
Status of the C-band RF System for the SPARC-LAB high brightness photo-injector

The high brightness photo-injector in operation at the SPARC-LAB facility of the INFN-LNF, Italy, consists of a 150 MeV S-band electron accelerator aiming to explore the physics of low emittance high peak current electron beams and the related technology. Velocity bunching techniques, SASE and Seede...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Boni, R., Alesini, D., Bellaveglia, M., Di Pirro, G., Ferrario, M., Gallo, A., Spataro, B., Mostacci, A., Palumbo, L.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Publicado: 2013
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