
Diamond Particle Detector Properties during High Fluence Material Damage Tests and their Future Applications for Machine Protection in the LHC

Experience with LHC machine protection (MP) during the last three years of operation shows that the MP systems sufficiently protect the LHC against damage in case of failures leading to beam losses with a time constant exceeding 1ms. An unexpected fast beam loss mechanism, called UFOs [1], was obser...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Burkart, F, Blanco, J, Borburgh, J, Dehning, B, Di Castro, M, Griesmayer, E, Lechner, A, Lendaro, J, Loprete, F, Losito, R, Montesano, S, Schmidt, R, Wollmann, D, Zerlauth, M
Publicado: 2013
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