
Operating the LHC Off-Momentum for p-Pb Collisions

The first high-luminosity p-Pb run at the LHC took place in January-February 2013 at 4 Z TeV energy per beam. The RF frequency difference of proton and Pb is about 60 Hz for equal magnetic rigidities at that energy, which means that beams move to slightly off-momentum, non-central, orbits during phy...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Versteegen, R, Bruce, R, Jowett, J M, McAteer, M J, McLean, E H, Langner, AS, Levinsen, Y I, Persson, T, Redaelli, S, Salvachua, B, Skowronski, P K, Solfaroli Camillocci, M, Tomás, R, Valentino, G, Wenninger, J, White, S M
Publicado: 2013
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