
Experimental study of bound states in $^{12}$Be through low-energy $^{11}$Be($d,p$)-transfer reactions

The bound states of $^{12}$Be have been studied through a $^{11}$Be$(d,p)^{12}$Be transfer reaction experiment in inverse kinematics. A 2.8 MeV/u beam of $^{11}$Be was produced using the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The outgoing protons were detected with the T-REX silicon detector array. The MINIBA...

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Autores principales: Johansen, J.G., Bildstein, V., Borge, M.J.G., Cubero, M., Diriken, J., Elsevier, J., Fraile, L.M., Fynbo, H.O.U., Gaffney, L.P., Gernhäuser, R., Jonson, B., Koldste, G.T., Konki, J., Kröll, T., Krücken, R., Mücher, D., Nilsson, T., Nowak, K., Pakarinen, J., Pesudo, V., Raabe, R., Riisager, K., Seidlitz, M., Tengblad, O., Törnqvist, H., Voulot, D., Warr, N., Wenander, F., Wimmer, K., De Witte, H.
Publicado: 2013
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