
A Scalable and Homogeneous Web-Based Solution for Presenting CMS Control System Data

The Control System of the CMS experiment ensures the monitoring and safe operation of about 3M parameters.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Masetti, L, Chaze, O, Coarasa, J A, Deldicque, C, Dobson, M, Dupont, A D, Gigi, D, Glege, F, Gomez-Reino, R, Hartl, C, Meijers, F, Meschi, E, Morovic, S, Nunez-Barranco-Fernandez, C, Orsini, L, Ozga, W, Petrucci, A, Polese, G, Racz, A, Sakulin, H, Schwick, C, Spataru, A C, Wakefield, C C, Zejdi, P, Bauer, G, Paus, C, Raginel, O, Stoeckli, F, Sumorok, K, Behrens, U, Branson, J, Cittolin, S, Holzner, A, Pieri, M, Sani, M, Erhan, S, Mommsen, R K, O'Dell, V
Publicado: 2014
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