
Radiation damage of heavy crystalline detector materials by 24-GeV protons

Samples of three heavy crystalline materials: PbWO_4, Bi_4Si_3O_1_2, and PbF_2 were irradiated in a high-intensity 24GeV proton beam at the CERN PS to fluencies of 3.8x10^1^3protons/cm^2. The optical transmission radiation damage was measured and all crystals show a shift of the cutoff in the transm...

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Autores principales: Barysevich, A, Dormenev, V, Fedorov, A, Glaser, M, Kobayashi, M, Korjik, M, Maas, F, Mechinski, V, Rusack, R, Singovski, A, Zoueyski, R
Publicado: 2013
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