
Status of the TOTEM experiment at LHC

The TOTEM experiment is dedicated to the measurement of the total proton-proton cross-section with the luminosity-independent method and the study of elastic and diffractive scattering processes. Two tracking telescopes, T1 and T2, integrated in the CMS detector, cover the pseudo-rapidity region bet...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baechler, J, Antchev, G, Aspell, P, Atanassov, I, Avati, V, Berardi, V, Berretti, M, Bossini, E, Bozzo, M, Brogi, P, Brücken, E, Buzzo, A, Cafagna, F, Calicchio, M, Catanesi, M.G, Covault, C, Csörgö, T, Deile, M, Eggert, K, Eremin, V, Ferretti, R, Ferro, F, Fiergolski, A, Garcia, F, Giani, S, Greco, V, Grzanka, L, Heino, J, Hilden, T, Intonti, M.R, Kaspar, J, Kopal, J, Kundrat, V, Kurvinen, K, Lami, S, Latino, G, Lauhakangas, R, Leszko, T, Lippmaa, E, Lokajicek, M, Lo Vetere, M, Lucas Rodriguez, F, Macri, M, Magaletti, L, Mercadante, A, Minafra, N, Minutoli, S, Nemes, F, Niewiadomski, H, Oliveri, E, Oljemark, F, Orava, R, Oriunno, M, Österberg, K, Palazzi, P, Prochazka, J, Quinto, M, Radermacher, E, Radicioni, E, Ravotti, F, Robutti, E, Ropelewski, L, Ruggiero, G, Saarikko, H, Sanguinetti, G, Santroni, A, Scribano, A, Snoeys, W, Sziklai, J, Taylor, C, Turini, N, Vacek, V, Vitek, M, Welti, J, Whitmore, J
Publicado: 2013
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