
The AWAKE Experimental Facility at CERN

AWAKE, an Advanced Wakefield Experiment is launched at CERN to verify the proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration concept. Proton bunches at 400 GeV/c will be extracted from the CERN SPS and sent along a 750 m long proton line to a plasma cell, a Rubidium vapour source, where the proton beam dri...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gschwendtner, E, Bohl, T, Bracco, C, Butterworth, A, Cipiccia, S, Doebert, S, Fedosseev, V, Feldbaumer, E, Hessler, C, Hofle, W, Martyanov, M, Meddahi, M, Osborne, J, Pardons, A, Petrenko, A, Vincke, H
Publicado: 2014
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