
The ATLAS Muon Topological Trigger Information for Run 2 of the LHC

For run 2 of the LHC, the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system will include topological information on trigger objects in order to cope with the increased trigger rates. The existing Muon-to-Central-Trigger- Processor interface (MUCTPI) has been modified in order to provide coarse-grained topological inform...

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Autores principales: Silva Oliveira, M, Artz, S, Bauss, B, Boterenbrood, H, Buescher, V, Degele, R, Dhaliwal, S, Ellis, N, Farthouat, P, Galster, G, Ghibaudi, M, Glatzer, J, Haas, S, Igonkina, O, Jakobi, K, Jansweijer, P, Kahra, C, Kaluza, A, Kaneda, M, Marzin, A, Ohm, C, Pauly, T, Pottgen, R, Reiss, A, Schaefer, U, Schaeffer, J, Schipper, J D, Schmieden, K, Schreuder, F, Simioni, E, Simon, M, Spiwoks, R, Stelzer, J, Tapprogge, S, Vermeulen, J, Vogel, A, Zinser, M
Publicado: 2014
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Sumario:For run 2 of the LHC, the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system will include topological information on trigger objects in order to cope with the increased trigger rates. The existing Muon-to-Central-Trigger- Processor interface (MUCTPI) has been modified in order to provide coarse-grained topological information on muon candidates. A MUCTPI- to-Level-1-Topological-Processor interface (MuCTPiToTopo) has been developed to receive the electrical information and to send it optically to the Level-1 Topological Processor (L1TOPO). This poster will describe the different modules mentioned above and present results of functionality and connection tests performed.