
Domain wall QCD with physical quark masses

We present results for several light hadronic quantities ($f_\pi$, $f_K$, $B_K$, $m_{ud}$, $m_s$, $t_0^{1/2}$, $w_0$) obtained from simulations of 2+1 flavor domain wall lattice QCD with large physical volumes and nearly-physical pion masses at two lattice spacings. We perform a short, O(3)%, extrap...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Blum, T., Boyle, P.A., Christ, N.H., Frison, J., Garron, N., Hudspith, R.J., Izubuchi, T., Janowski, T., Jung, C., Jüttner, A., Kelly, C., Kenway, R.D., Lehner, C., Marinkovic, M., Mawhinney, R.D., McGlynn, G., Murphy, D.J., Ohta, S., Portelli, A., Sachrajda, C.T., Soni, A.
Publicado: 2014
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