
Development of a neutron converter for studies of neutron-induced fission fragments at the IGISOL facility

The ERINDA funded scientific visit has enabled the groups at U ppsala Uni- versity and University of Jyväskylä to work closer together on the design of a neutron converter that will be used as neutron source in fissi on yield studies at the IGISOL-JYFLTRAP facility at the University of Jyväsk ylä. T...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lantz, M, Gorelov, D, Al-Adili, A, Jokinen, A, Kolhinen, V, Mattera, A, Rinta-Antila, S, Penttilä, H, Pomp, S, Rakoupoulos, V, Simutkin, V, Solders, A
Publicado: 2014
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