
The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1

The LHCb Data Acquisition system reads data from over 300 read-out boards and distributes them to more than 1500 event-filter servers. It uses a simple push-protocol over Gigabit Ethernet. After filtering, the data is consolidated into files for permanent storage using a SAN-based storage system. Si...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alessio, F, Brarda, L, Bonaccorsi, E, Campora Perez, D H, Chebbi, M, Frank, M, Gaspar, C, Granado Cardoso, L, Haen, C, v.Herwijnen, E, Jacobsson, R, Jost, B, Neufeld, N, Schwemmer, R, Zvyagin, A
Publicado: 2014
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