
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aarnio, Pertti A, Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adami, F, Adrianos, P, Adye, T, Alekseev, G D, Allaby, James V, Allen, P, Almehed, S, Alvsvaag, S J, Amaldi, Ugo, Anassontzis, E G, Antilogus, P, Apel, W D, Åsman, B, Astesan, F, Astor-Ferreres, C, Augustin, J E, Augustinus, A, Baillon, Paul, Bambade, P, Barão, F, Barbiellini, Guido, Bardin, Dimitri Yuri, Barlag, S, Barlow, J, Baroncelli, A, Barranco-Luque, M, Barreira, G, Bärring, O, Bartl, Walter, Bates, M J, Batyunya, B, Baubillier, M, Becks, K H, Beeston, C J, Bell, W, Belokopytov, Yu A, Beltran, P, Benedic, D, Benlloch, J M, Berggren, M, Bertrand, D, Biagi, S F, Bianchi, F, Bibby, J H, Billoir, P, Bingefors, N, Bjarne, J, Bloch, D, Bogolubov, P N, Bollini, D, Bolognese, T, Bonapart, M, Booth, P S L, Boratav, M, Borgeaud, P, Börner, H, Bosio, C, Botner, O, Bouquet, B, Bozzo, M, Braibant, S, Branchini, P, Brand, C, Brand, K D, Brown, R C A, Brümmer, N, Brunet, J M, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burmeister, H, Buttar, C M, Buytaert, J, Cabras, G, Caccia, M, Cairanti, S, Calvi, M, Camacho-Rozas, A J, Campagne, J E, Campion, A, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Cao, F, Carroll, L, Caso, Carlo, Castelli, Edoardo, Castillo-Gimenez, M V, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F R, Cerrito, L, Chadwick, George B, Charpentier, P, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G A, Chevalier, L, Chiccoli, C, Chliapnikov, P V, Chorowicz, V, Cirio, R, Clara, M P, Contreras, J L, Contri, R, Couchot, F, Crawley, H B, Crennell, D J, Cresti, M, Crosetti, G, Crosland, N, Crozon, M, Cuevas-Maestro, J, Curwen, L S, Czellar, S, Dahl-Jensen, Erik, D'Almagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Darbo, G, Daubie, Evelyne, Davenport, Martyn, De Angelis, A, De Beer, M, De Boeck, H, de Boer, Wim, De Clercq, C, De Groot, N, La Vaissière, C de, Delikaris, D, Delpierre, P A, Di Ciaccio, Lucia, Diddens, Albert Nomdo, Dijkstra, H, Dimitriou, N, Djama, F, Dolbeau, J, Doroba, K, Downs, R, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Dris, M, Du, S, Dulinski, W, Dzhelyadin, R I, Edwards, D N, Eek, L O, Eerola, Paule Anna Mari, Ekelöf, T J C, Ekspong, Gösta, Ellilä, Markku, Engel, J P, Falaleev, V P, Fenyuk, A, Fernández-Alonso, M, Ferrer, A, Ferroni, S, Filippas-Tassos, A, Firestone, A, Flinn, M, Föth, H, Fokitis, E, Folegati, P, Fontanelli, F, Forsbach, H, Fraissard, Daniel, Franek, B J, Fransson, K E, Frenkiel, P, Fries, D E C, Frodesen, A G, Frühwirth, R, Fulda-Quenzer, F, Fuster, J A, Gago, J M, Gaillard, M, Galeazzi, G, Gamba, D, Gaspar, C, Gasparini, U, Gavillet, P, Gawne, S, Gazis, E N, Genat, J F, Glitza, K W, Gokieli, R, Golovatyuk, V M, Gomes, P, Gómez-Cadenas, J J, Goobar, A, Gopal, Gian P, Gorbics, M, Goret, B, Górski, M, Goujon, G, Gracco, Valerio, Grant, A, Graziani, E, Grillet, J P, Gritsaenko, I A, Gros, M H, Grosdidier, G, Grossetête, B, Grung, B, Guglielmi, L, Gumenyuk, S A, Guy, J, Hahn, F, Hahn, M, Haider, S, Haïssinski, J, Hajduk, Z, Hakansson, A, Hallgren, A, Hamacher, K, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Harris, J F, Heck, B, Herbst, I, Hernández, J J, Herquet, P, Herr, H, Higón, E, Hilke, Hans Jürgen, Hofmann, H, Hofmokl, T, Holmgren, Sven Olof, Hooper, J E, Horisberger, R P, Houlden, M A, Hrisoho, A T, Hrubec, Josef, Huitu, K, Hulth, P O, Hultqvist, K, Husson, D, Hyams, Bernard David, Imbault, D, Ioannou, P, Iversen, P S, Jackson, J N, Jaeger, J J, Jalocha, P, Jarlskog, G, Jarry, P, Jean-Marie, B, Joensuu, J, Johansson, E K, Johansson, H, Johansson, S, Jonker, M, Juillot, P, Kadyrov, R B, Kadyshevskij, V G, Kalkanis, G, Kalmus, George Ernest, Kantardjian, G, Katsanevas, S, Katsoufis, E C, Keränen, R, Khovanskii, N N, King, B J, Kisielewski, B, Klein, H, Klempt, W, Klovning, A, Kluit, P M, Köne, B, Kokkinias, P, Kontaxis, I, Kopf, M, Koratzinos, M, Korcyl, K, Korytov, A V, Korzen, B, Kostarakis, P, Kourkoumelis, C, Kreuzberger, T, Królikowski, J, Krstic, J, Krüner-Marquis, U, Kucewicz, W, Kuhn, G, Kurvinen, K L, Laakso, Mikko, Lambropoulos, C, Lanceri, L, Langerveld, D, Lapin, V, Laugier, J P, Lauhakangas, R, Laurikainen, P, Lavigne, B, Le Grand, J C, Lebbolo, H, Leder, Gerhard, Lemonne, J, Lenzen, Georg, Lepeltier, V, Letessier-Selvon, A A, Lidbury, J A, Lieb, E H, Lillestøl, Egil, Lillethun, E, Lippi, I, Llosa, R, Lörstad, B, Lokajícek, M, Loken, J G, López-Aguera, M A, Lorenz, P, Loukas, D, Lucock, R, Lund-Jensen, B, Lutz, P, Lyons, L, Maehlum, G, Maeland, O A, Maillard, J, Maltezos, A, Maltezos, S, Mandl, F, Marco, J, Marin, J C, Markou, A, Mas, J, Mathis, L G, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mattsson, L, Mazzucato, M, McCubbin, M L, McKay, R, Menichetti, E, Meroni, C, Meyer, W T, Michalowski, J, Mitaroff, Winfried A, Mitselmakher, G, Mjörnmark, U, Moa, T, Møller, R, Monge, M R, Mönig, K, Morettini, P, Müller, H, Mur, M, Muryn, B, Myatt, Gerald, Navarria, Francesco Luigi, Negri, P, Nielsen, B S, Nigro, M, Nikolaenko, V, Nonni, M, Noppe, J M, Nordberg, M, Nounos, S, Obraztsov, V F, Ødegaard, T, Orava, Risto, Ouraou, A, Pagot, J, Pain, R, Pakonski, K, Palka, H, Palma-Lopes, S, Papadopoulou, T D, Pape, L, Pasini, P, Passeneau, M, Passeri, A, Pattison, John Bryan M, Pegoraro, M, Perevozchikov, V, Pérez, J, Pernicka, Manfred, Petrucci, Guido, Pettersen, Tor Erik, Pimenta, M, Pingot, O, Pinori, C, Pinsent, A C, Poiret, C, Pol, M E, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Pozdnyakov, V N, Privitera, P, Pullia, Antonio, Pyyhtiä, J, Quéru, Paul, Quinton, S, Rademakers, A A, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Ragazzon, R, Range, W H, Raoul, J C, Ratoff, P N, Read, A L, Redaelli, N G, Regler, Meinhard, Reid, D, Reis, M V, Renton, P B, Resvanis, L K, Richard, F, Rídky, J, Rinaudo, G, Roditi, I, Romaya, A M, Romero, A, Ronchese, P, Rongved, R, Rosenberg, E I, Rossel, F, Rosso, E, Roudeau, Patrick, Rovelli, T, Ruhlmann, V, Ruiz, A, Rybicki, K, Saarikko, H, Sacco, D, Sacquin, Yu, Salgado, C W, Salt, J, Sánchez, E, Sanchis, E, Sannino, M, Schäffer, M, Schneider, H, Scuri, F, Sebastiá, A, Sedykh, Yu, Segar, A M, Sekulin, R L, Sessa, M I, Sette, G, Seufert, R, Shellard, R C, Siegrist, P, Simonetti, S, Simonetto, F, Skaali, T B, Skeens, J D, Skjevling, G, Smadja, G, Smirnov, N E, Smith, G R, Sosnowski, R, Spang, K, Spentzouris, P, Spiriti, E, Squarcia, S, Stäck, H, Stanescu, C, Stavropoulos, G D, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Strub, R, Sundell, E, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Szymanski, P, Theodosiou, G E, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Timofeev, V G, Tkatchev, L G, Toet, D Z, Topp-Jørgensen, S, Topphol, A K, Tortora, L, Treille, D, Trevisan, U, Tristram, G, Troncon, C, Truong, T, Tsyganov, E N, Turala, Michal, Turchetta, R, Turluer, M L, Tuuva, T, Tyapkin, I A, Tyndel, M, Udo, Fred, Überschär, S, Ullaland, O, Uvarov, V, Valenti, G, van Apeldoorn, G W, van Dam, P, Van Doninck, W K, van Eijk, B, van Eijndhoven, N, Van der Velde, C, Vanuxem, J P, Varela, J, Vaz, P, Vegni, G, Veitch, M E, Vela, E, Velasco, J, Ventura, L, Venus, W A, Vilanova, D, Viseu-Melo, L, Vishnevski, N K, Vlasov, E V, Vodopyanov, A S, Vollmer, M, Voulgaris, G, Voutilainen, M, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Wayne, M, Weilhammer, Peter, Werner, J, Wetherell, Alan M, Wickens, J H, Williams, W S C, Winter, M, Wormser, G, Woschnagg, K, Yamdagni, N, Yelton, J M, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska-Bak, A, Zalewski, Piotr, Zevgolatakos, E, Zhang, G, Zimin, N I, Zinchenko, A I, Zito, M, Zitoun, R, Zukanovich-Funchal, R, Zumerle, G
Publicado: 1990
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author Aarnio, Pertti A
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adami, F
Adrianos, P
Adye, T
Alekseev, G D
Allaby, James V
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Anassontzis, E G
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Åsman, B
Astesan, F
Astor-Ferreres, C
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barlag, S
Barlow, J
Baroncelli, A
Barranco-Luque, M
Barreira, G
Bärring, O
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Batyunya, B
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Bell, W
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benlloch, J M
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Biagi, S F
Bianchi, F
Bibby, J H
Billoir, P
Bingefors, N
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Bogolubov, P N
Bollini, D
Bolognese, T
Bonapart, M
Booth, P S L
Boratav, M
Borgeaud, P
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, C
Brand, K D
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buttar, C M
Buytaert, J
Cabras, G
Caccia, M
Cairanti, S
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campagne, J E
Campion, A
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castelli, Edoardo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chadwick, George B
Charpentier, P
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chiccoli, C
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Cirio, R
Clara, M P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Cresti, M
Crosetti, G
Crosland, N
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Curwen, L S
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Davenport, Martyn
De Angelis, A
De Beer, M
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
Delikaris, D
Delpierre, P A
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Diddens, Albert Nomdo
Dijkstra, H
Dimitriou, N
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Doroba, K
Downs, R
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Du, S
Dulinski, W
Dzhelyadin, R I
Edwards, D N
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Ellilä, Markku
Engel, J P
Falaleev, V P
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Ferroni, S
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Flinn, M
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Folegati, P
Fontanelli, F
Forsbach, H
Fraissard, Daniel
Franek, B J
Fransson, K E
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Fuster, J A
Gago, J M
Gaillard, M
Galeazzi, G
Gamba, D
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gawne, S
Gazis, E N
Genat, J F
Glitza, K W
Gokieli, R
Golovatyuk, V M
Gomes, P
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Gorbics, M
Goret, B
Górski, M
Goujon, G
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Graziani, E
Grillet, J P
Gritsaenko, I A
Gros, M H
Grosdidier, G
Grossetête, B
Grung, B
Guglielmi, L
Gumenyuk, S A
Guy, J
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Haïssinski, J
Hajduk, Z
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Harris, J F
Heck, B
Herbst, I
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hofmann, H
Hofmokl, T
Holmgren, Sven Olof
Hooper, J E
Horisberger, R P
Houlden, M A
Hrisoho, A T
Hrubec, Josef
Huitu, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Husson, D
Hyams, Bernard David
Imbault, D
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jaeger, J J
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Joensuu, J
Johansson, E K
Johansson, H
Johansson, S
Jonker, M
Juillot, P
Kadyrov, R B
Kadyshevskij, V G
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kantardjian, G
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kisielewski, B
Klein, H
Klempt, W
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Kontaxis, I
Kopf, M
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Korzen, B
Kostarakis, P
Kourkoumelis, C
Kreuzberger, T
Królikowski, J
Krstic, J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Kucewicz, W
Kuhn, G
Kurvinen, K L
Laakso, Mikko
Lambropoulos, C
Lanceri, L
Langerveld, D
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Laurikainen, P
Lavigne, B
Le Grand, J C
Lebbolo, H
Leder, Gerhard
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Letessier-Selvon, A A
Lidbury, J A
Lieb, E H
Lillestøl, Egil
Lillethun, E
Lippi, I
Llosa, R
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Aguera, M A
Lorenz, P
Loukas, D
Lucock, R
Lund-Jensen, B
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maeland, O A
Maillard, J
Maltezos, A
Maltezos, S
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Mas, J
Mathis, L G
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mattsson, L
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
Menichetti, E
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michalowski, J
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Monge, M R
Mönig, K
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Mur, M
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nielsen, B S
Nigro, M
Nikolaenko, V
Nonni, M
Noppe, J M
Nordberg, M
Nounos, S
Obraztsov, V F
Ødegaard, T
Orava, Risto
Ouraou, A
Pagot, J
Pain, R
Pakonski, K
Palka, H
Palma-Lopes, S
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Pasini, P
Passeneau, M
Passeri, A
Pattison, John Bryan M
Pegoraro, M
Perevozchikov, V
Pérez, J
Pernicka, Manfred
Petrucci, Guido
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Pinori, C
Pinsent, A C
Poiret, C
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Pozdnyakov, V N
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Pyyhtiä, J
Quéru, Paul
Quinton, S
Rademakers, A A
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Ragazzon, R
Range, W H
Raoul, J C
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Reis, M V
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romaya, A M
Romero, A
Ronchese, P
Rongved, R
Rosenberg, E I
Rossel, F
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Ruhlmann, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacco, D
Sacquin, Yu
Salgado, C W
Salt, J
Sánchez, E
Sanchis, E
Sannino, M
Schäffer, M
Schneider, H
Scuri, F
Sebastiá, A
Sedykh, Yu
Segar, A M
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Skaali, T B
Skeens, J D
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N E
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Spang, K
Spentzouris, P
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Strub, R
Sundell, E
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Toet, D Z
Topp-Jørgensen, S
Topphol, A K
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Truong, T
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turchetta, R
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Udo, Fred
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van Doninck, W K
van Eijk, B
van Eijndhoven, N
Van der Velde, C
Vanuxem, J P
Varela, J
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Veitch, M E
Vela, E
Velasco, J
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Vilanova, D
Viseu-Melo, L
Vishnevski, N K
Vlasov, E V
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voulgaris, G
Voutilainen, M
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yelton, J M
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zinchenko, A I
Zito, M
Zitoun, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
author_facet Aarnio, Pertti A
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adami, F
Adrianos, P
Adye, T
Alekseev, G D
Allaby, James V
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Anassontzis, E G
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Åsman, B
Astesan, F
Astor-Ferreres, C
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barlag, S
Barlow, J
Baroncelli, A
Barranco-Luque, M
Barreira, G
Bärring, O
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Batyunya, B
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Bell, W
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benlloch, J M
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Biagi, S F
Bianchi, F
Bibby, J H
Billoir, P
Bingefors, N
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Bogolubov, P N
Bollini, D
Bolognese, T
Bonapart, M
Booth, P S L
Boratav, M
Borgeaud, P
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, C
Brand, K D
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buttar, C M
Buytaert, J
Cabras, G
Caccia, M
Cairanti, S
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campagne, J E
Campion, A
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castelli, Edoardo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chadwick, George B
Charpentier, P
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chiccoli, C
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Cirio, R
Clara, M P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Cresti, M
Crosetti, G
Crosland, N
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Curwen, L S
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Davenport, Martyn
De Angelis, A
De Beer, M
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
Delikaris, D
Delpierre, P A
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Diddens, Albert Nomdo
Dijkstra, H
Dimitriou, N
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Doroba, K
Downs, R
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Du, S
Dulinski, W
Dzhelyadin, R I
Edwards, D N
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Ellilä, Markku
Engel, J P
Falaleev, V P
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Ferroni, S
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Flinn, M
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Folegati, P
Fontanelli, F
Forsbach, H
Fraissard, Daniel
Franek, B J
Fransson, K E
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Fuster, J A
Gago, J M
Gaillard, M
Galeazzi, G
Gamba, D
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gawne, S
Gazis, E N
Genat, J F
Glitza, K W
Gokieli, R
Golovatyuk, V M
Gomes, P
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Gorbics, M
Goret, B
Górski, M
Goujon, G
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Graziani, E
Grillet, J P
Gritsaenko, I A
Gros, M H
Grosdidier, G
Grossetête, B
Grung, B
Guglielmi, L
Gumenyuk, S A
Guy, J
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Haïssinski, J
Hajduk, Z
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Harris, J F
Heck, B
Herbst, I
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hofmann, H
Hofmokl, T
Holmgren, Sven Olof
Hooper, J E
Horisberger, R P
Houlden, M A
Hrisoho, A T
Hrubec, Josef
Huitu, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Husson, D
Hyams, Bernard David
Imbault, D
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jaeger, J J
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Joensuu, J
Johansson, E K
Johansson, H
Johansson, S
Jonker, M
Juillot, P
Kadyrov, R B
Kadyshevskij, V G
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kantardjian, G
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kisielewski, B
Klein, H
Klempt, W
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Kontaxis, I
Kopf, M
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Korzen, B
Kostarakis, P
Kourkoumelis, C
Kreuzberger, T
Królikowski, J
Krstic, J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Kucewicz, W
Kuhn, G
Kurvinen, K L
Laakso, Mikko
Lambropoulos, C
Lanceri, L
Langerveld, D
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Laurikainen, P
Lavigne, B
Le Grand, J C
Lebbolo, H
Leder, Gerhard
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Letessier-Selvon, A A
Lidbury, J A
Lieb, E H
Lillestøl, Egil
Lillethun, E
Lippi, I
Llosa, R
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Aguera, M A
Lorenz, P
Loukas, D
Lucock, R
Lund-Jensen, B
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maeland, O A
Maillard, J
Maltezos, A
Maltezos, S
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Mas, J
Mathis, L G
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mattsson, L
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
Menichetti, E
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michalowski, J
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Monge, M R
Mönig, K
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Mur, M
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nielsen, B S
Nigro, M
Nikolaenko, V
Nonni, M
Noppe, J M
Nordberg, M
Nounos, S
Obraztsov, V F
Ødegaard, T
Orava, Risto
Ouraou, A
Pagot, J
Pain, R
Pakonski, K
Palka, H
Palma-Lopes, S
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Pasini, P
Passeneau, M
Passeri, A
Pattison, John Bryan M
Pegoraro, M
Perevozchikov, V
Pérez, J
Pernicka, Manfred
Petrucci, Guido
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Pinori, C
Pinsent, A C
Poiret, C
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Pozdnyakov, V N
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Pyyhtiä, J
Quéru, Paul
Quinton, S
Rademakers, A A
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Ragazzon, R
Range, W H
Raoul, J C
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Reis, M V
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romaya, A M
Romero, A
Ronchese, P
Rongved, R
Rosenberg, E I
Rossel, F
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Ruhlmann, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacco, D
Sacquin, Yu
Salgado, C W
Salt, J
Sánchez, E
Sanchis, E
Sannino, M
Schäffer, M
Schneider, H
Scuri, F
Sebastiá, A
Sedykh, Yu
Segar, A M
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Skaali, T B
Skeens, J D
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N E
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Spang, K
Spentzouris, P
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Strub, R
Sundell, E
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Toet, D Z
Topp-Jørgensen, S
Topphol, A K
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Truong, T
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turchetta, R
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Udo, Fred
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van Doninck, W K
van Eijk, B
van Eijndhoven, N
Van der Velde, C
Vanuxem, J P
Varela, J
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Veitch, M E
Vela, E
Velasco, J
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Vilanova, D
Viseu-Melo, L
Vishnevski, N K
Vlasov, E V
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voulgaris, G
Voutilainen, M
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yelton, J M
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zinchenko, A I
Zito, M
Zitoun, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
author_sort Aarnio, Pertti A
collection CERN
id cern-206221
institution Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear
language eng
publishDate 1990
record_format invenio
spelling cern-2062212019-09-30T06:29:59Zdoi:10.1016/0370-2693(90)91667-Z, Pertti AAbreu, PAdam, WAdami, FAdrianos, PAdye, TAlekseev, G DAllaby, James VAllen, PAlmehed, SAlvsvaag, S JAmaldi, UgoAnassontzis, E GAntilogus, PApel, W DÅsman, BAstesan, FAstor-Ferreres, CAugustin, J EAugustinus, ABaillon, PaulBambade, PBarão, FBarbiellini, GuidoBardin, Dimitri YuriBarlag, SBarlow, JBaroncelli, ABarranco-Luque, MBarreira, GBärring, OBartl, WalterBates, M JBatyunya, BBaubillier, MBecks, K HBeeston, C JBell, WBelokopytov, Yu ABeltran, PBenedic, DBenlloch, J MBerggren, MBertrand, DBiagi, S FBianchi, FBibby, J HBilloir, PBingefors, NBjarne, JBloch, DBogolubov, P NBollini, DBolognese, TBonapart, MBooth, P S LBoratav, MBorgeaud, PBörner, HBosio, CBotner, OBouquet, BBozzo, MBraibant, SBranchini, PBrand, CBrand, K DBrown, R C ABrümmer, NBrunet, J MBugge, LBuran, TBurmeister, HButtar, C MBuytaert, JCabras, GCaccia, MCairanti, SCalvi, MCamacho-Rozas, A JCampagne, J ECampion, ACamporesi, TCanale, VCao, FCarroll, LCaso, CarloCastelli, EdoardoCastillo-Gimenez, M VCattai, ACavallo, F RCerrito, LChadwick, George BCharpentier, PChecchia, PChelkov, G AChevalier, LChiccoli, CChliapnikov, P VChorowicz, VCirio, RClara, M PContreras, J LContri, RCouchot, FCrawley, H BCrennell, D JCresti, MCrosetti, GCrosland, NCrozon, MCuevas-Maestro, JCurwen, L SCzellar, SDahl-Jensen, ErikD'Almagne, BDam, MDamgaard, GDarbo, GDaubie, EvelyneDavenport, MartynDe Angelis, ADe Beer, MDe Boeck, Hde Boer, WimDe Clercq, CDe Groot, NLa Vaissière, C deDelikaris, DDelpierre, P ADi Ciaccio, LuciaDiddens, Albert NomdoDijkstra, HDimitriou, NDjama, FDolbeau, JDoroba, KDowns, RDracos, MDrees, JDris, MDu, SDulinski, WDzhelyadin, R IEdwards, D NEek, L OEerola, Paule Anna MariEkelöf, T J CEkspong, GöstaEllilä, MarkkuEngel, J PFalaleev, V PFenyuk, AFernández-Alonso, MFerrer, AFerroni, SFilippas-Tassos, AFirestone, AFlinn, MFöth, HFokitis, EFolegati, PFontanelli, FForsbach, HFraissard, DanielFranek, B JFransson, K EFrenkiel, PFries, D E CFrodesen, A GFrühwirth, RFulda-Quenzer, FFuster, J AGago, J MGaillard, MGaleazzi, GGamba, DGaspar, CGasparini, UGavillet, PGawne, SGazis, E NGenat, J FGlitza, K WGokieli, RGolovatyuk, V MGomes, PGómez-Cadenas, J JGoobar, AGopal, Gian PGorbics, MGoret, BGórski, MGoujon, GGracco, ValerioGrant, AGraziani, EGrillet, J PGritsaenko, I AGros, M HGrosdidier, GGrossetête, BGrung, BGuglielmi, LGumenyuk, S AGuy, JHahn, FHahn, MHaider, SHaïssinski, JHajduk, ZHakansson, AHallgren, AHamacher, KHamel de Monchenault, GHarris, J FHeck, BHerbst, IHernández, J JHerquet, PHerr, HHigón, EHilke, Hans JürgenHofmann, HHofmokl, THolmgren, Sven OlofHooper, J EHorisberger, R PHoulden, M AHrisoho, A THrubec, JosefHuitu, KHulth, P OHultqvist, KHusson, DHyams, Bernard DavidImbault, DIoannou, PIversen, P SJackson, J NJaeger, J JJalocha, PJarlskog, GJarry, PJean-Marie, BJoensuu, JJohansson, E KJohansson, HJohansson, SJonker, MJuillot, PKadyrov, R BKadyshevskij, V GKalkanis, GKalmus, George ErnestKantardjian, GKatsanevas, SKatsoufis, E CKeränen, RKhovanskii, N NKing, B JKisielewski, BKlein, HKlempt, WKlovning, AKluit, P MKöne, BKokkinias, PKontaxis, IKopf, MKoratzinos, MKorcyl, KKorytov, A VKorzen, BKostarakis, PKourkoumelis, CKreuzberger, TKrólikowski, JKrstic, JKrüner-Marquis, UKucewicz, WKuhn, GKurvinen, K LLaakso, MikkoLambropoulos, CLanceri, LLangerveld, DLapin, VLaugier, J PLauhakangas, RLaurikainen, PLavigne, BLe Grand, J CLebbolo, HLeder, GerhardLemonne, JLenzen, GeorgLepeltier, VLetessier-Selvon, A ALidbury, J ALieb, E HLillestøl, EgilLillethun, ELippi, ILlosa, RLörstad, BLokajícek, MLoken, J GLópez-Aguera, M ALorenz, PLoukas, DLucock, RLund-Jensen, BLutz, PLyons, LMaehlum, GMaeland, O AMaillard, JMaltezos, AMaltezos, SMandl, FMarco, JMarin, J CMarkou, AMas, JMathis, L GMatteuzzi, CMatthiae, GiorgioMattsson, LMazzucato, MMcCubbin, M LMcKay, RMenichetti, EMeroni, CMeyer, W TMichalowski, JMitaroff, Winfried AMitselmakher, GMjörnmark, UMoa, TMøller, RMonge, M RMönig, KMorettini, PMüller, HMur, MMuryn, BMyatt, GeraldNavarria, Francesco LuigiNegri, PNielsen, B SNigro, MNikolaenko, VNonni, MNoppe, J MNordberg, MNounos, SObraztsov, V FØdegaard, TOrava, RistoOuraou, APagot, JPain, RPakonski, KPalka, HPalma-Lopes, SPapadopoulou, T DPape, LPasini, PPasseneau, MPasseri, APattison, John Bryan MPegoraro, MPerevozchikov, VPérez, JPernicka, ManfredPetrucci, GuidoPettersen, Tor ErikPimenta, MPingot, OPinori, CPinsent, A CPoiret, CPol, M EPolok, GPoropat, PPozdnyakov, V NPrivitera, PPullia, AntonioPyyhtiä, JQuéru, PaulQuinton, SRademakers, A ARadojicic, DRagazzi, SRagazzon, RRange, W HRaoul, J CRatoff, P NRead, A LRedaelli, N GRegler, MeinhardReid, DReis, M VRenton, P BResvanis, L KRichard, FRídky, JRinaudo, GRoditi, IRomaya, A MRomero, ARonchese, PRongved, RRosenberg, E IRossel, FRosso, ERoudeau, PatrickRovelli, TRuhlmann, VRuiz, ARybicki, KSaarikko, HSacco, DSacquin, YuSalgado, C WSalt, JSánchez, ESanchis, ESannino, MSchäffer, MSchneider, HScuri, FSebastiá, ASedykh, YuSegar, A MSekulin, R LSessa, M ISette, GSeufert, RShellard, R CSiegrist, PSimonetti, SSimonetto, FSkaali, T BSkeens, J DSkjevling, GSmadja, GSmirnov, N ESmith, G RSosnowski, RSpang, KSpentzouris, PSpiriti, ESquarcia, SStäck, HStanescu, CStavropoulos, G DStichelbaut, FStocchi, AStrauss, JStrub, RSundell, ESzczekowski, MSzeptycka, MSzymanski, PTheodosiou, G ETilquin, ATimmermans, JTimofeev, V GTkatchev, L GToet, D ZTopp-Jørgensen, STopphol, A KTortora, LTreille, DTrevisan, UTristram, GTroncon, CTruong, TTsyganov, E NTurala, MichalTurchetta, RTurluer, M LTuuva, TTyapkin, I ATyndel, MUdo, FredÜberschär, SUllaland, OUvarov, VValenti, Gvan Apeldoorn, G Wvan Dam, PVan Doninck, W Kvan Eijk, Bvan Eijndhoven, NVan der Velde, CVanuxem, J PVarela, JVaz, PVegni, GVeitch, M EVela, EVelasco, JVentura, LVenus, W AVilanova, DViseu-Melo, LVishnevski, N KVlasov, E VVodopyanov, A SVollmer, MVoulgaris, GVoutilainen, MWahlen, HWalck, CWaldner, FWayne, MWeilhammer, PeterWerner, JWetherell, Alan MWickens, J HWilliams, W S CWinter, MWormser, GWoschnagg, KYamdagni, NYelton, J MZaitsev, AZalewska-Bak, AZalewski, PiotrZevgolatakos, EZhang, GZimin, N IZinchenko, A IZito, MZitoun, RZukanovich-Funchal, RZumerle, GStudy of the leptonic decays of the Z0 bosonParticle Physics -
spellingShingle Particle Physics - Experiment
Aarnio, Pertti A
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adami, F
Adrianos, P
Adye, T
Alekseev, G D
Allaby, James V
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Anassontzis, E G
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Åsman, B
Astesan, F
Astor-Ferreres, C
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barlag, S
Barlow, J
Baroncelli, A
Barranco-Luque, M
Barreira, G
Bärring, O
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Batyunya, B
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Bell, W
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benlloch, J M
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Biagi, S F
Bianchi, F
Bibby, J H
Billoir, P
Bingefors, N
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Bogolubov, P N
Bollini, D
Bolognese, T
Bonapart, M
Booth, P S L
Boratav, M
Borgeaud, P
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, C
Brand, K D
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buttar, C M
Buytaert, J
Cabras, G
Caccia, M
Cairanti, S
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campagne, J E
Campion, A
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castelli, Edoardo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chadwick, George B
Charpentier, P
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chiccoli, C
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Cirio, R
Clara, M P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Cresti, M
Crosetti, G
Crosland, N
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Curwen, L S
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Davenport, Martyn
De Angelis, A
De Beer, M
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
Delikaris, D
Delpierre, P A
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Diddens, Albert Nomdo
Dijkstra, H
Dimitriou, N
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Doroba, K
Downs, R
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Du, S
Dulinski, W
Dzhelyadin, R I
Edwards, D N
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Ellilä, Markku
Engel, J P
Falaleev, V P
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Ferroni, S
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Flinn, M
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Folegati, P
Fontanelli, F
Forsbach, H
Fraissard, Daniel
Franek, B J
Fransson, K E
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Fuster, J A
Gago, J M
Gaillard, M
Galeazzi, G
Gamba, D
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gawne, S
Gazis, E N
Genat, J F
Glitza, K W
Gokieli, R
Golovatyuk, V M
Gomes, P
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Gorbics, M
Goret, B
Górski, M
Goujon, G
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Graziani, E
Grillet, J P
Gritsaenko, I A
Gros, M H
Grosdidier, G
Grossetête, B
Grung, B
Guglielmi, L
Gumenyuk, S A
Guy, J
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Haïssinski, J
Hajduk, Z
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Harris, J F
Heck, B
Herbst, I
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hofmann, H
Hofmokl, T
Holmgren, Sven Olof
Hooper, J E
Horisberger, R P
Houlden, M A
Hrisoho, A T
Hrubec, Josef
Huitu, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Husson, D
Hyams, Bernard David
Imbault, D
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jaeger, J J
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Joensuu, J
Johansson, E K
Johansson, H
Johansson, S
Jonker, M
Juillot, P
Kadyrov, R B
Kadyshevskij, V G
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kantardjian, G
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kisielewski, B
Klein, H
Klempt, W
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Kontaxis, I
Kopf, M
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Korzen, B
Kostarakis, P
Kourkoumelis, C
Kreuzberger, T
Królikowski, J
Krstic, J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Kucewicz, W
Kuhn, G
Kurvinen, K L
Laakso, Mikko
Lambropoulos, C
Lanceri, L
Langerveld, D
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Laurikainen, P
Lavigne, B
Le Grand, J C
Lebbolo, H
Leder, Gerhard
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Letessier-Selvon, A A
Lidbury, J A
Lieb, E H
Lillestøl, Egil
Lillethun, E
Lippi, I
Llosa, R
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Aguera, M A
Lorenz, P
Loukas, D
Lucock, R
Lund-Jensen, B
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maeland, O A
Maillard, J
Maltezos, A
Maltezos, S
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Mas, J
Mathis, L G
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mattsson, L
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
Menichetti, E
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michalowski, J
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Monge, M R
Mönig, K
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Mur, M
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nielsen, B S
Nigro, M
Nikolaenko, V
Nonni, M
Noppe, J M
Nordberg, M
Nounos, S
Obraztsov, V F
Ødegaard, T
Orava, Risto
Ouraou, A
Pagot, J
Pain, R
Pakonski, K
Palka, H
Palma-Lopes, S
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Pasini, P
Passeneau, M
Passeri, A
Pattison, John Bryan M
Pegoraro, M
Perevozchikov, V
Pérez, J
Pernicka, Manfred
Petrucci, Guido
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Pinori, C
Pinsent, A C
Poiret, C
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Pozdnyakov, V N
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Pyyhtiä, J
Quéru, Paul
Quinton, S
Rademakers, A A
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Ragazzon, R
Range, W H
Raoul, J C
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Reis, M V
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romaya, A M
Romero, A
Ronchese, P
Rongved, R
Rosenberg, E I
Rossel, F
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Ruhlmann, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacco, D
Sacquin, Yu
Salgado, C W
Salt, J
Sánchez, E
Sanchis, E
Sannino, M
Schäffer, M
Schneider, H
Scuri, F
Sebastiá, A
Sedykh, Yu
Segar, A M
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Skaali, T B
Skeens, J D
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N E
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Spang, K
Spentzouris, P
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Strub, R
Sundell, E
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Toet, D Z
Topp-Jørgensen, S
Topphol, A K
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Truong, T
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turchetta, R
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Udo, Fred
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van Doninck, W K
van Eijk, B
van Eijndhoven, N
Van der Velde, C
Vanuxem, J P
Varela, J
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Veitch, M E
Vela, E
Velasco, J
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Vilanova, D
Viseu-Melo, L
Vishnevski, N K
Vlasov, E V
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voulgaris, G
Voutilainen, M
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yelton, J M
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zinchenko, A I
Zito, M
Zitoun, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title_full Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title_fullStr Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title_full_unstemmed Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title_short Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
title_sort study of the leptonic decays of the z0 boson
topic Particle Physics - Experiment
work_keys_str_mv AT aarnioperttia studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT abreup studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT adamw studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT adamif studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT adrianosp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT adyet studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT alekseevgd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT allabyjamesv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT allenp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT almeheds studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT alvsvaagsj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT amaldiugo studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT anassontziseg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT antilogusp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT apelwd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT asmanb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT astesanf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT astorferreresc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT augustinje studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT augustinusa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT bambadep studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT baraof studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT bardindimitriyuri studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT barlowj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT barringo studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT bartlwalter studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT baubillierm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT beckskh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT kalkanisg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kalmusgeorgeernest studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kantardjiang studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT katsanevass studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT katsoufisec studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT klemptw studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT klovninga studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT koneb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kokkiniasp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT kopfm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
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AT korcylk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT korytovav studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT korzenb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kostarakisp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kourkoumelisc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kreuzbergert studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT krolikowskij studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT krsticj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT krunermarquisu studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kucewiczw studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kuhng studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT kurvinenkl studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT laaksomikko studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lambropoulosc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lanceril studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT langerveldd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lapinv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT laugierjp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lauhakangasr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT laurikainenp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lavigneb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT legrandjc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lebboloh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ledergerhard studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lemonnej studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lenzengeorg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lepeltierv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT letessierselvonaa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lidburyja studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT liebeh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lillestølegil studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lillethune studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lippii studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT llosar studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lorstadb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lokajicekm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lokenjg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lopezaguerama studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lorenzp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT loukasd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lucockr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lundjensenb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lutzp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT lyonsl studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT maehlumg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT maelandoa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT maillardj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT maltezosa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT maltezoss studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mandlf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT marcoj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT marinjc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT markoua studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT masj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mathislg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT matteuzzic studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT matthiaegiorgio studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mattssonl studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mazzucatom studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mccubbinml studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mckayr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT menichettie studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT meronic studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT meyerwt studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT michalowskij studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mitaroffwinfrieda studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mitselmakherg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mjornmarku studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT moat studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT møllerr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mongemr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT monigk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT morettinip studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT mullerh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT murm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT murynb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT myattgerald studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT navarriafrancescoluigi studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT negrip studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nielsenbs studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nigrom studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nikolaenkov studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nonnim studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT noppejm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nordbergm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT nounoss studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT obraztsovvf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ødegaardt studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT oravaristo studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ouraoua studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pagotj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT painr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pakonskik studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT palkah studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT palmalopess studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT papadopouloutd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT papel studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pasinip studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT passeneaum studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT passeria studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pattisonjohnbryanm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pegorarom studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT perevozchikovv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT perezj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pernickamanfred studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT petrucciguido studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pettersentorerik studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pimentam studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pingoto studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pinoric studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pinsentac studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT poiretc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT polme studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT polokg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT poropatp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pozdnyakovvn studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT priviterap studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pulliaantonio studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT pyyhtiaj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT querupaul studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT quintons studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rademakersaa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT radojicicd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ragazzis studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ragazzonr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rangewh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT raouljc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ratoffpn studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT readal studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT redaelling studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT reglermeinhard studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT reidd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT reismv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rentonpb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT resvanislk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT richardf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ridkyj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rinaudog studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT roditii studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT romayaam studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT romeroa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ronchesep studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rongvedr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rosenbergei studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rosself studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rossoe studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT roudeaupatrick studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rovellit studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ruhlmannv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ruiza studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT rybickik studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT saarikkoh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT saccod studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sacquinyu studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT salgadocw studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT saltj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sancheze studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sanchise studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sanninom studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT schafferm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT schneiderh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT scurif studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sebastiaa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sedykhyu studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT segaram studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sekulinrl studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sessami studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT setteg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT seufertr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT shellardrc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT siegristp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT simonettis studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT simonettof studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT skaalitb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT skeensjd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT skjevlingg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT smadjag studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT smirnovne studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT smithgr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sosnowskir studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT spangk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT spentzourisp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT spiritie studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT squarcias studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT stackh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT stanescuc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT stavropoulosgd studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT stichelbautf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT stocchia studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT straussj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT strubr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT sundelle studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT szczekowskim studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT szeptyckam studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT szymanskip studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT theodosiouge studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tilquina studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT timmermansj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT timofeevvg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tkatchevlg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT toetdz studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT toppjørgensens studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT toppholak studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tortoral studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT treilled studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT trevisanu studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tristramg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tronconc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT truongt studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tsyganoven studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT turalamichal studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT turchettar studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT turluerml studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tuuvat studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tyapkinia studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT tyndelm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT udofred studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT uberschars studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ullalando studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT uvarovv studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT valentig studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vanapeldoorngw studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vandamp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vandoninckwk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vaneijkb studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vaneijndhovenn studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vanderveldec studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vanuxemjp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT varelaj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vazp studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vegnig studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT veitchme studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT velae studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT velascoj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ventural studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT venuswa studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vilanovad studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT viseumelol studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vishnevskink studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vlasovev studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vodopyanovas studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT vollmerm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT voulgarisg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT voutilainenm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT wahlenh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT walckc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT waldnerf studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT waynem studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT weilhammerpeter studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT wernerj studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT wetherellalanm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT wickensjh studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT williamswsc studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT winterm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT wormserg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT woschnaggk studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT yamdagnin studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT yeltonjm studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zaitseva studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zalewskabaka studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zalewskipiotr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zevgolatakose studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zhangg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT ziminni studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zinchenkoai studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zitom studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zitounr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zukanovichfunchalr studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson
AT zumerleg studyoftheleptonicdecaysofthez0boson