
New Measurement of the 25Mg(n,γ) Reaction Cross Section

Aim at addressing important astrophysical issues related to the s process. Highly-enriched Mg-25 samples have been used, in the form of MgO powder and Mg metal sample. Preliminary results from the 2012 measurement and comparisons with previous data are shown.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Massimi, C, Koehler, P, Mingrone, F, Altstadt, S, Andrzejewski, J, Audouin, L, Barbagallo, M, Bécares, V, Bečvář, F, Belloni, F, Berthoumieux, E, Billowes, J, Bosnar, D, Brugger, M, Calviani, M, Calviño, F, Cano-Ott, D, Carrapiço, C, Cerutti, F, Chiaveri, E, Chin, M, Colonna, N, Cortés, G, Cortés-Giraldo, M A, Diakaki, M, Domingo-Pardo, C, Duran, I, Dressler, R, Eleftheriadis, C, Ferrari, A, Fraval, K, Ganesan, S, García, A R, Giubrone, G, Gonçalves, I F, González-Romero, E, Griesmayer, E, Guerrero, C, Gunsing, F, Hernández-Prieto, A, Jenkins, D G, Jericha, E, Kadi, Y, Käppeler, F, Karadimos, D, Kivel, N, Krtička, M, Kroll, J, Lampoudis, C, Langer, C, Leal-Cidoncha, E, Lederer, C, Leeb, H, Leong, L S, Losito, R, Mallick, A, Manousos, A, Marganiec, J, Martínez, T, Mastinu, P F, Mastromarco, M, Mendoza, E, Mengoni, A, Milazzo, P M, Mirea, M, Mondalaers, W, Paradela, C, Pavlik, A, Perkowski, J, Plompen, A, Praena, J, Quesada, J M, Rauscher, T, Reifarth, R, Riego, A, Robles, M S, Rubbia, C, Sabaté-Gilarte, M, Sarmento, R, Saxena, A, Schillebeeckx, P, Schmidt, S, Schumann, D, Tagliente, G, Tain, J L, Tarrío, D, Tassan-Got, L, Tsinganis, A, Valenta, S., Vannini, G, Variale, V, Vaz, P, Ventura, A, Vermeulen, M J, Vlachoudis, V, Vlastou, R, Wallner, A, Ware, T, Weigand, M, Weiß, C, Wright, T, Žugec, P
Publicado: 2014
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