
Enabling Technologies for Silicon Microstrip Tracking Detectors at the HL-LHC

While the tracking detectors of the ATLAS and CMS experiments have shown excellent performance in Run 1 of LHC data taking, and are expected to continue to do so during LHC operation at design luminosity, both experiments will have to exchange their tracking systems when the LHC is upgraded to the h...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Barth, C., Betancourt, C.A., Bloch, I., Bögelspacher, F., de Boer, W., Daniels, M., Dierlamm, A., Eber, R., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Erfle, J., Feld, L., Garutti, E., Gregor, I. -M., Guthoff, M., Hartmann, F., Hauser, M., Husemann, U., Jakobs, K., Junkes, A., Karpinski, W., Klein, K., Kuehn, S., Lacker, H., Mahboubi, K., Müller, Th., Mussgiller, A., Nürnberg, A., Parzefall, U., Poehlsen, T., Poley, L., Preuten, M., Rehnisch, L., Sammet, J., Schleper, P., Schuwalow, S., Sperlich, D., Stanitzki, M., Steinbrück, G., Wlochal, M.
Publicado: 2016
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