
Fundamentals of quantum mechanics

HISTORICAL EXPERIMENTS AND THEORIESDates of Important Discoveries and Events Blackbody RadiationPhotoelectrice Effect Quantum Theory of Spectra TheComptone Effect Matterwaves, the de Broglie HypothesisThe Davisson -Germer Experiment Heisenberg's Uncertainity PrincipleDifference Between Particle...

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Autor principal: Erkoc, Sakir
Publicado: CRC Press 2006
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:HISTORICAL EXPERIMENTS AND THEORIESDates of Important Discoveries and Events Blackbody RadiationPhotoelectrice Effect Quantum Theory of Spectra TheComptone Effect Matterwaves, the de Broglie HypothesisThe Davisson -Germer Experiment Heisenberg's Uncertainity PrincipleDifference Between Particles and Waves Interpretation of the Wavefunction AXIOMATIC STRUCTURE OF QUANTUM MECHANICSThe Necessity of Quantum TheoryFunction Spaces Postulates of Quantum Mechanics The Kronecker Delta and the Dirac Delta Function Dirac Notation OBSERVABLES AND SUPERPOSITIONFree Particle Particle In A Box Ensemble Average Hilbert -Space Interpretation The Initial Square Wave Particle Beam Superposition and Uncertainty Degeneracy of States Commutators and Uncertainty TIME DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION THEOREMSTime Development of State Functions, The Discrete Case The Continuous Case, Wave Packets Particle Beam Gaussian Wave Packet Free Particle Propagator The Limiting Cases of the Gaussian Wave Packets Time Development of Expectation Values Conservation of Energy and MomentumConservation of Parity BOUND AND UNBOUND STATES IN ONE-DIMENSIONOne-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation The Simple Harmonic Oscillator Unbound States One-Dimensional Barrier Problems The Finite Potential Well N-PARTICLE SYSTEMSThe Schrödinger Equation for N-Particle Systems Identical Particles The Pauli Principle; Fermions and Bosons THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION IN THREE-DIMENSIONSThe Two-Body Systems Separation of Variables in the Two-Body Systems Rotational Invariance The Schrödinger Equation for Non-Central Potentials ANGULAR MOMENTUMCommutation Relations Raising and Lowering Operators Eigen Solutions of Angular Momentum Operators Kinetic Energy and Angular Momentum THE RADIAL EQUATION FOR FREE AND BOUND PARTICLESThe Radial Schrödinger Equation The Free Particle Three-Dimensional Square Well Potential The Hydrogenatom The Spectra of Hydrogenic Atoms The Virial Theorem INTERACTION OF ELECTRONS WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDMaxwell 's Equations and Gauge Transformations Motion of a Free Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field Motion of a Bound Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field The Principal of Gauge Invariance and Flux Quantization MATRIX REPRESENTATIONSMatrix Representations of Wave Functions and OperatorsMatrix Algebra Types of Matrix Representations Harmonic Oscillator in Matrix Representations Matrix Representations of Angular Momentum Operators SPIN AND THE ADDITION OF ANGULAR MOMENTASystems with Spin One-Half The Addition of Angular Momenta TIME-INDEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORYNondegenerate Perturbation Theory Degenerate Perturbation Theory THE VARIATIONAL METHODThe Variational Principle Linear Variation Functions THE WKB APPROXIMATION Turning Points The Connection Formulas The WKB Approximation to a Potential Well The WKB Approximation to a Potential Barrier TIME-DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORYTime -Dependent Schrödinger Equation Time -Dependent Perturbation Approximations Sinusoidal Perturbations Emission and Absorption of Radiation Incoherent Perturbations Selection RulesTHE ADIABATIC APPROXIMATIONThe Adiabatic Processes The Adiabatic TheoremNonholonomic Processes Experimental Evidences of Nonholonomic Processes PATH-INTEGRATION METHODAn Approximation to Time -Evolution for a Free Particle Path Integral Evaluation of the Free Particle Propagator Equivalence to the Schrödinger Equation SCATTERING THEORYClassical Scattering TheoryCenter-of-Mass and Laboratory Frames Quantum Scattering Theory The Method of Partial waves (Low -Energy Case)Expansion of a Plane Wave into Spherical Waves Expansion of the Scattering Amplitude Scattering from a Delta Potential Scattering from a Square -Well Potential Scattering from a Hardsphere Scattering of Identical Particles Energy Dependence and Resonance Scattering The Lippman-Schwinger Equation (High-Energy Case)The Greens Function for the Scattering Problem Born Approximation INELASTIC SCATTERING Bibliography and References 409Appendix 413Index 417.