
HEP Software Foundation Community White Paper Working Group - Detector Simulation

A working group on detector simulation was formed as part of the high-energy physics (HEP) Software Foundation's initiative to prepare a Community White Paper that describes the main software challenges and opportunities to be faced in the HEP field over the next decade. The working group met o...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Apostolakis, J, Asai, M, Banerjee, S, Bianchi, R, Canal, P, Cenci, R, Chapman, J, Corti, G, Cosmo, G, Easo, S, de Oliveira, L, Dotti, A, Elvira, V, Farrell, S, Fields, L, Genser, K, Gheata, A, Gheata, M, Harvey, J, Hariri, F, Hatcher, R, Herner, K, Hildreth, M, Ivantchenko, V, Junk, T, Jun, S-Y, Kirby, M, Konstantinov, D, Kutschke, R, Lebrun, P, Lima, G, Lyon, A, Marshall, Z, Mato, P, Mooney, M, Mount, R, Mousseau, J, Nachman, B, Norman, A, Novak, M, Osborne, I, Paganini, M, Pedro, K, Pokorski, W, Qian, X, Raaf, J, Rama, M, Ribon, A, Roiser, S, Ruterbories, D, Sekmen, S, Siddi, B, Snider, E, Vallecorsa, S, Verderi, M, Wenzel, H, Wenzel, S, Viren, B, Yang, T, Yarba, J, Welty-Rieger, L, Wright, D H, Zhang, C
Publicado: 2018
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