
Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adye, T, Agasi, E, Aleksan, Roy, Alekseev, G D, Algeri, A, Allen, P, Almehed, S, Alvsvaag, S J, Amaldi, Ugo, Andreazza, A, Antilogus, P, Apel, W D, Apsimon, R J, Arnoud, Y, Åsman, B, Augustin, J E, Augustinus, A, Baillon, Paul, Bambade, P, Barão, F, Barate, R, Barbiellini, Guido, Bardin, Dimitri Yuri, Barker, G, Baroncelli, A, Bärring, O, Barrio, J A, Bartl, Walter, Bates, M J, Battaglia, Marco, Baubillier, M, Becks, K H, Beeston, C J, Begalli, M, Beillière, P, Belokopytov, Yu A, Beltran, P, Benedic, D, Benvenuti, Alberto C, Berggren, M, Bertrand, D, Bianchi, F, Bilenky, S M, Billoir, P, Bjarne, J, Bloch, D, Blyth, S, Bocci, V, Bogolubov, P N, Bolognese, T, Bonesini, M, Bonivento, W, Booth, P S L, Borisov, G, Börner, H, Bosio, C, Bostjancic, B, Bosworth, S, Botner, O, Bouquet, B, Bourdarios, C, Bowcock, T J V, Bozzo, M, Braibant, S, Branchini, P, Brand, K D, Brenner, R A, Briand, H, Bricman, C, Brown, R C A, Brümmer, N, Brunet, J M, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burmeister, H, Buytaert, J, Caccia, M, Calvi, M, Camacho-Rozas, A J, Campion, R, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Cao, F, Carena, F, Carroll, L, Caso, Carlo, Castillo-Gimenez, M V, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F R, Cerrito, L, Chabaud, V, Chan, A, Chapkin, M M, Charpentier, P, Chaussard, L, Chauveau, J, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G A, Chevalier, L, Chliapnikov, P V, Chorowicz, V, Chrin, J T M, Clara, M P, Collins, P, Contreras, J L, Contri, R, Cortina, E, Cosme, G, Couchot, F, Crawley, H B, Crennell, D J, Crosetti, G, Crozon, M, Cuevas-Maestro, J, Czellar, S, Dahl-Jensen, Erik, D'Almagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Darbo, G, Daubie, Evelyne, Daum, A, Dauncey, P D, Davenport, Martyn, David, P, Davies, J, Da Silva, W, Defoix, C, Delpierre, P A, Demaria, N, De Angelis, A, De Boeck, H, de Boer, Wim, De Clercq, C, De Fez Laso, M D M, De Groot, N, La Vaissière, C de, De Lotto, B, De Min, A, Dijkstra, H, Di Ciaccio, Lucia, Djama, F, Dolbeau, J, Dönszelmann, M, Doroba, K, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Dris, M, Dufour, Y, Dupont, F, Eek, L O, Eerola, Paule Anna Mari, Ehret, R, Ekelöf, T J C, Ekspong, Gösta, Elliot-Peisert, A, Engel, J P, Ershaidat, N, Fassouliotis, D, Feindt, Michael, Fenyuk, A, Fernández-Alonso, M, Ferrer, A, Filippas-Tassos, A, Firestone, A, Föth, H, Fokitis, E, Fontanelli, F, Forbes, K A J, Fousset, J L, Francon, S, Franek, B J, Frenkiel, P, Fries, D E C, Frodesen, A G, Frühwirth, R, Fulda-Quenzer, F, Furnival, K, Fürstenau, H, Fuster, J A, Gamba, D, García, C, García, J, Gaspar, C, Gasparini, U, Gavillet, P, Gazis, E N, Gerber, J P, Giacomelli, P, Gokieli, R, Golob, B, Golovatyuk, V M, Gómez-Cadenas, J J, Goobar, A, Gopal, Gian P, Górski, M, Gracco, Valerio, Grant, A, Grard, F, Graziani, E, Grosdidier, G, Gross, E, Grosse-Wiesmann, P, Grossetête, B, Guy, J, Haedinger, U, Hahn, F, Hahn, M, Haider, S, Hakansson, A, Hallgren, A, Halpaap, M, Hamacher, K, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Hao, W, Harris, F J, Hedberg, V, Henkes, T, Hernández, J J, Herquet, P, Herr, H, Hessing, T L, Hietanen, I, Higgins, C O, Higón, E, Hilke, Hans Jürgen, Hodgson, S D, Hofmokl, T, Holmes, R, Holmgren, S O, Holthuizen, D J, Honoré, P F, Hooper, J E, Houlden, M A, Hrubec, Josef, Huet, K, Hulth, P O, Hultqvist, K, Ioannou, P, Iversen, P S, Jackson, J N, Jalocha, P, Jarlskog, G, Jarry, P, Jean-Marie, B, Johansson, E K, Johnson, D, Jonker, M, Jönsson, L B, Juillot, P, Kalkanis, G, Kalmus, George Ernest, Kapusta, F, Karlsson, M, Karvelas, E, Katsanevas, S, Katsoufis, E C, Keränen, R, Kesteman, J, Khomenko, B A, Khovanskii, N N, King, B J, Kjaer, N J, Klein, H, Klovning, A, Kluit, P M, Koch-Mehrin, A, Köhne, J H, Köne, B, Kokkinias, P, Koratzinos, M, Korcyl, K, Korytov, A V, Kostyukhin, V, Kourkoumelis, C, Kuznetsov, O, Kramer, P H, Królikowski, J, Kronkvist, I J, Krüner-Marquis, U, Krupinski, W, Kucewicz, W, Kulka, K, Kurvinen, K L, Lacasta, C, Lambropoulos, C, Lamsa, J, Lanceri, L, Lapin, V, Laugier, J P, Lauhakangas, R, Leder, Gerhard, Ledroit, F, Leitner, R, Lemoigne, Y, Lemonne, J, Lenzen, Georg, Lepeltier, V, Lesiak, T, Lévy, J M, Lieb, E H, Liko, D, Lindgren, J, Lindner, R, Lipniacka, A, Lippi, I, Lörstad, B, Lokajícek, M, Loken, J G, López-Fernandez, A, López-Aguera, M A, Los, M E, Loukas, D, Lozano-Bahilo, J, Lutz, P, Lyons, L, Maehlum, G, Maillard, J, Maio, A, Maltezos, A, Mandl, F, Marco, J, Margoni, M, Marin, J C, Markou, A, Maron, T, Martí, S, Mathis, L G, Matorras, F, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mazzucato, M, McCubbin, M L, McKay, R, McNulty, R, Meola, G, Meroni, C, Meyer, W T, Michelotto, M, Mikulec, I, Mirabito, L, Mitaroff, Winfried A, Mitselmakher, G, Mjörnmark, U, Moa, T, Møller, R, Mönig, K, Monge, M R, Morettini, P, Müller, H, Murray, W J, Muryn, B, Myatt, Gerald, Navarria, Francesco Luigi, Negri, P, Nicolaidou, R, Nielsen, B S, Nijjhar, B, Nikolaenko, V, Nilsen, P E S, Niss, P, Obraztsov, V F, Olshevskii, A G, Orava, Risto, Ostankov, A P, Österberg, K, Ouraou, A, Paganoni, M, Pain, R, Palka, H, Papadopoulou, T D, Pape, L, Parodi, F, Passeri, A, Pegoraro, M, Pennanen, J, Peralta, L, Perevozchikov, V, Pernegger, H, Pernicka, Manfred, Perrotta, A, Petridou, C, Petrolini, A, Pettersen, Tor Erik, Pierre, F, Pimenta, M, Pingot, O, Plaszczynski, S, Podobrin, O, Pol, M E, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Privitera, P, Pullia, Antonio, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Rahmani, H, Ratoff, P N, Read, A L, Rebecchi, P, Redaelli, N G, Regler, Meinhard, Reid, D, Renton, P B, Resvanis, L K, Richard, F, Richardson, M, Rídky, J, Rinaudo, G, Roditi, I, Romero, A, Roncagliolo, I, Ronchese, P, Rönnqvist, C, Rosenberg, E I, Rossi, S, Rossi, U, Rosso, E, Roudeau, Patrick, Rovelli, T, Rückstuhl, W, Ruhlmann-Kleider, V, Ruiz, A, Rybicki, K, Saarikko, H, Sacquin, Yu, Sajot, G, Salt, J, Sánchez, J, Sannino, M, Schael, S, Schneider, H, Schulze, B, Schyns, M A E, Sciolla, G, Scuri, F, Segar, A M, Seitz, A, Sekulin, R L, Sessa, M I, Sette, G, Seufert, R, Shellard, R C, Siccama, I, Siegrist, P, Simonetti, S, Simonetto, F, Sissakian, A N, Skjevling, G, Smadja, G, Smirnov, N, Smith, G R, Sosnowski, R, Souza-Santos, D, Spassoff, Tz, Spiriti, E, Squarcia, S, Stäck, H, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, Steinar, Stavropoulos, G D, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Straver, J, Strub, R, Stugu, B, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Szymanski, P, Tabarelli de Fatis, T, Chikilev, O G, Theodosiou, G E, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Timofeev, V G, Tkatchev, L G, Todorov, T, Toet, D Z, Toker, O, Tomé, B, Torassa, E, Tortora, L, Treille, D, Trevisan, U, Trischuk, W, Tristram, G, Troncon, C, Tsirou, A L, Tsyganov, E N, Turala, Michal, Turluer, M L, Tuuva, T, Tyapkin, I A, Tyndel, M, Tzamarias, S, Überschär, S, Ullaland, O, Vallazza, E, Valls Ferrer, J A, Van der Velde, C, van Apeldoorn, G W, van Dam, P, Van der Heijden, M, Van Doninck, W K, Vaz, P, Vegni, G, Ventura, L, Venus, W A, Verbeure, F, Verlato, M, Vertogradov, L S, Vilanova, D, Vincent, P, Vitale, L, Vlasov, E, Vodopyanov, A S, Vollmer, M, Voutilainen, M, Vrba, V, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Wayne, M, Wehr, A, Weierstall, M, Weilhammer, Peter, Werner, J, Wetherell, Alan M, Wickens, J H, Wilkinson, G R, Williams, W S C, Winter, M, Witek, M, Wormser, G, Woschnagg, K, Yamdagni, N, Yepes, P, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska-Bak, A, Zalewski, Piotr, Zavrtanik, D, Zevgolatakos, E, Zhang, G, Zimin, N I, Zito, M, Zuberi, R, Zukanovich-Funchal, R, Zumerle, G, Zúñiga, J
Publicado: 1993
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author Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Aleksan, Roy
Alekseev, G D
Algeri, A
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Andreazza, A
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Apsimon, R J
Arnoud, Y
Åsman, B
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barate, R
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barker, G
Baroncelli, A
Bärring, O
Barrio, J A
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Battaglia, Marco
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Begalli, M
Beillière, P
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benvenuti, Alberto C
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bilenky, S M
Billoir, P
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Blyth, S
Bocci, V
Bogolubov, P N
Bolognese, T
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, P S L
Borisov, G
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Bostjancic, B
Bosworth, S
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C
Bowcock, T J V
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, K D
Brenner, R A
Briand, H
Bricman, C
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buytaert, J
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campion, R
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carena, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chabaud, V
Chan, A
Chapkin, M M
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Chrin, J T M
Clara, M P
Collins, P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Crosetti, G
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Daum, A
Dauncey, P D
Davenport, Martyn
David, P
Davies, J
Da Silva, W
Defoix, C
Delpierre, P A
Demaria, N
De Angelis, A
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Fez Laso, M D M
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
De Lotto, B
De Min, A
Dijkstra, H
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Dönszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Dufour, Y
Dupont, F
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ehret, R
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Elliot-Peisert, A
Engel, J P
Ershaidat, N
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, Michael
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Fontanelli, F
Forbes, K A J
Fousset, J L
Francon, S
Franek, B J
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Furnival, K
Fürstenau, H
Fuster, J A
Gamba, D
García, C
García, J
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, E N
Gerber, J P
Giacomelli, P
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Golovatyuk, V M
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Górski, M
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Grard, F
Graziani, E
Grosdidier, G
Gross, E
Grosse-Wiesmann, P
Grossetête, B
Guy, J
Haedinger, U
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Halpaap, M
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Hao, W
Harris, F J
Hedberg, V
Henkes, T
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, T L
Hietanen, I
Higgins, C O
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hodgson, S D
Hofmokl, T
Holmes, R
Holmgren, S O
Holthuizen, D J
Honoré, P F
Hooper, J E
Houlden, M A
Hrubec, Josef
Huet, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Johansson, E K
Johnson, D
Jonker, M
Jönsson, L B
Juillot, P
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kapusta, F
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Kesteman, J
Khomenko, B A
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kjaer, N J
Klein, H
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Koch-Mehrin, A
Köhne, J H
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Kostyukhin, V
Kourkoumelis, C
Kuznetsov, O
Kramer, P H
Królikowski, J
Kronkvist, I J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Krupinski, W
Kucewicz, W
Kulka, K
Kurvinen, K L
Lacasta, C
Lambropoulos, C
Lamsa, J
Lanceri, L
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Leder, Gerhard
Ledroit, F
Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Lévy, J M
Lieb, E H
Liko, D
Lindgren, J
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
Lippi, I
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Fernandez, A
López-Aguera, M A
Los, M E
Loukas, D
Lozano-Bahilo, J
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maillard, J
Maio, A
Maltezos, A
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Margoni, M
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Maron, T
Martí, S
Mathis, L G
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Meola, G
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michelotto, M
Mikulec, I
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Mönig, K
Monge, M R
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Murray, W J
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nicolaidou, R
Nielsen, B S
Nijjhar, B
Nikolaenko, V
Nilsen, P E S
Niss, P
Obraztsov, V F
Olshevskii, A G
Orava, Risto
Ostankov, A P
Österberg, K
Ouraou, A
Paganoni, M
Pain, R
Palka, H
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Pennanen, J
Peralta, L
Perevozchikov, V
Pernegger, H
Pernicka, Manfred
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Rebecchi, P
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Richardson, M
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Rönnqvist, C
Rosenberg, E I
Rossi, S
Rossi, U
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Rückstuhl, W
Ruhlmann-Kleider, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Yu
Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sánchez, J
Sannino, M
Schael, S
Schneider, H
Schulze, B
Schyns, M A E
Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Segar, A M
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sissakian, A N
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Souza-Santos, D
Spassoff, Tz
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, Steinar
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Straver, J
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Tabarelli de Fatis, T
Chikilev, O G
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Todorov, T
Toet, D Z
Toker, O
Tomé, B
Torassa, E
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Trischuk, W
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A L
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Vallazza, E
Valls Ferrer, J A
Van der Velde, C
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van der Heijden, M
Van Doninck, W K
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, L S
Vilanova, D
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voutilainen, M
Vrba, V
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Wehr, A
Weierstall, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Wilkinson, G R
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yepes, P
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zavrtanik, D
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zito, M
Zuberi, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
Zúñiga, J
author_facet Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Aleksan, Roy
Alekseev, G D
Algeri, A
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Andreazza, A
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Apsimon, R J
Arnoud, Y
Åsman, B
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barate, R
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barker, G
Baroncelli, A
Bärring, O
Barrio, J A
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Battaglia, Marco
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Begalli, M
Beillière, P
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benvenuti, Alberto C
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bilenky, S M
Billoir, P
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Blyth, S
Bocci, V
Bogolubov, P N
Bolognese, T
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, P S L
Borisov, G
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Bostjancic, B
Bosworth, S
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C
Bowcock, T J V
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, K D
Brenner, R A
Briand, H
Bricman, C
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buytaert, J
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campion, R
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carena, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chabaud, V
Chan, A
Chapkin, M M
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Chrin, J T M
Clara, M P
Collins, P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Crosetti, G
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Daum, A
Dauncey, P D
Davenport, Martyn
David, P
Davies, J
Da Silva, W
Defoix, C
Delpierre, P A
Demaria, N
De Angelis, A
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Fez Laso, M D M
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
De Lotto, B
De Min, A
Dijkstra, H
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Dönszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Dufour, Y
Dupont, F
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ehret, R
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Elliot-Peisert, A
Engel, J P
Ershaidat, N
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, Michael
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Fontanelli, F
Forbes, K A J
Fousset, J L
Francon, S
Franek, B J
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Furnival, K
Fürstenau, H
Fuster, J A
Gamba, D
García, C
García, J
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, E N
Gerber, J P
Giacomelli, P
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Golovatyuk, V M
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Górski, M
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Grard, F
Graziani, E
Grosdidier, G
Gross, E
Grosse-Wiesmann, P
Grossetête, B
Guy, J
Haedinger, U
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Halpaap, M
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Hao, W
Harris, F J
Hedberg, V
Henkes, T
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, T L
Hietanen, I
Higgins, C O
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hodgson, S D
Hofmokl, T
Holmes, R
Holmgren, S O
Holthuizen, D J
Honoré, P F
Hooper, J E
Houlden, M A
Hrubec, Josef
Huet, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Johansson, E K
Johnson, D
Jonker, M
Jönsson, L B
Juillot, P
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kapusta, F
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Kesteman, J
Khomenko, B A
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kjaer, N J
Klein, H
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Koch-Mehrin, A
Köhne, J H
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Kostyukhin, V
Kourkoumelis, C
Kuznetsov, O
Kramer, P H
Królikowski, J
Kronkvist, I J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Krupinski, W
Kucewicz, W
Kulka, K
Kurvinen, K L
Lacasta, C
Lambropoulos, C
Lamsa, J
Lanceri, L
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Leder, Gerhard
Ledroit, F
Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Lévy, J M
Lieb, E H
Liko, D
Lindgren, J
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
Lippi, I
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Fernandez, A
López-Aguera, M A
Los, M E
Loukas, D
Lozano-Bahilo, J
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maillard, J
Maio, A
Maltezos, A
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Margoni, M
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Maron, T
Martí, S
Mathis, L G
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Meola, G
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michelotto, M
Mikulec, I
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Mönig, K
Monge, M R
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Murray, W J
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nicolaidou, R
Nielsen, B S
Nijjhar, B
Nikolaenko, V
Nilsen, P E S
Niss, P
Obraztsov, V F
Olshevskii, A G
Orava, Risto
Ostankov, A P
Österberg, K
Ouraou, A
Paganoni, M
Pain, R
Palka, H
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Pennanen, J
Peralta, L
Perevozchikov, V
Pernegger, H
Pernicka, Manfred
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Rebecchi, P
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Richardson, M
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Rönnqvist, C
Rosenberg, E I
Rossi, S
Rossi, U
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Rückstuhl, W
Ruhlmann-Kleider, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Yu
Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sánchez, J
Sannino, M
Schael, S
Schneider, H
Schulze, B
Schyns, M A E
Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Segar, A M
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sissakian, A N
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Souza-Santos, D
Spassoff, Tz
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, Steinar
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Straver, J
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Tabarelli de Fatis, T
Chikilev, O G
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Todorov, T
Toet, D Z
Toker, O
Tomé, B
Torassa, E
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Trischuk, W
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A L
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Vallazza, E
Valls Ferrer, J A
Van der Velde, C
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van der Heijden, M
Van Doninck, W K
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, L S
Vilanova, D
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voutilainen, M
Vrba, V
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Wehr, A
Weierstall, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Wilkinson, G R
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yepes, P
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zavrtanik, D
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zito, M
Zuberi, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
Zúñiga, J
author_sort Abreu, P
collection CERN
id cern-246874
institution Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear
language eng
publishDate 1993
record_format invenio
spelling cern-2468742019-09-30T06:29:59Zdoi:10.1007/BF01498617, PAdam, WAdye, TAgasi, EAleksan, RoyAlekseev, G DAlgeri, AAllen, PAlmehed, SAlvsvaag, S JAmaldi, UgoAndreazza, AAntilogus, PApel, W DApsimon, R JArnoud, YÅsman, BAugustin, J EAugustinus, ABaillon, PaulBambade, PBarão, FBarate, RBarbiellini, GuidoBardin, Dimitri YuriBarker, GBaroncelli, ABärring, OBarrio, J ABartl, WalterBates, M JBattaglia, MarcoBaubillier, MBecks, K HBeeston, C JBegalli, MBeillière, PBelokopytov, Yu ABeltran, PBenedic, DBenvenuti, Alberto CBerggren, MBertrand, DBianchi, FBilenky, S MBilloir, PBjarne, JBloch, DBlyth, SBocci, VBogolubov, P NBolognese, TBonesini, MBonivento, WBooth, P S LBorisov, GBörner, HBosio, CBostjancic, BBosworth, SBotner, OBouquet, BBourdarios, CBowcock, T J VBozzo, MBraibant, SBranchini, PBrand, K DBrenner, R ABriand, HBricman, CBrown, R C ABrümmer, NBrunet, J MBugge, LBuran, TBurmeister, HBuytaert, JCaccia, MCalvi, MCamacho-Rozas, A JCampion, RCamporesi, TCanale, VCao, FCarena, FCarroll, LCaso, CarloCastillo-Gimenez, M VCattai, ACavallo, F RCerrito, LChabaud, VChan, AChapkin, M MCharpentier, PChaussard, LChauveau, JChecchia, PChelkov, G AChevalier, LChliapnikov, P VChorowicz, VChrin, J T MClara, M PCollins, PContreras, J LContri, RCortina, ECosme, GCouchot, FCrawley, H BCrennell, D JCrosetti, GCrozon, MCuevas-Maestro, JCzellar, SDahl-Jensen, ErikD'Almagne, BDam, MDamgaard, GDarbo, GDaubie, EvelyneDaum, ADauncey, P DDavenport, MartynDavid, PDavies, JDa Silva, WDefoix, CDelpierre, P ADemaria, NDe Angelis, ADe Boeck, Hde Boer, WimDe Clercq, CDe Fez Laso, M D MDe Groot, NLa Vaissière, C deDe Lotto, BDe Min, ADijkstra, HDi Ciaccio, LuciaDjama, FDolbeau, JDönszelmann, MDoroba, KDracos, MDrees, JDris, MDufour, YDupont, FEek, L OEerola, Paule Anna MariEhret, REkelöf, T J CEkspong, GöstaElliot-Peisert, AEngel, J PErshaidat, NFassouliotis, DFeindt, MichaelFenyuk, AFernández-Alonso, MFerrer, AFilippas-Tassos, AFirestone, AFöth, HFokitis, EFontanelli, FForbes, K A JFousset, J LFrancon, SFranek, B JFrenkiel, PFries, D E CFrodesen, A GFrühwirth, RFulda-Quenzer, FFurnival, KFürstenau, HFuster, J AGamba, DGarcía, CGarcía, JGaspar, CGasparini, UGavillet, PGazis, E NGerber, J PGiacomelli, PGokieli, RGolob, BGolovatyuk, V MGómez-Cadenas, J JGoobar, AGopal, Gian PGórski, MGracco, ValerioGrant, AGrard, FGraziani, EGrosdidier, GGross, EGrosse-Wiesmann, PGrossetête, BGuy, JHaedinger, UHahn, FHahn, MHaider, SHakansson, AHallgren, AHalpaap, MHamacher, KHamel de Monchenault, GHao, WHarris, F JHedberg, VHenkes, THernández, J JHerquet, PHerr, HHessing, T LHietanen, IHiggins, C OHigón, EHilke, Hans JürgenHodgson, S DHofmokl, THolmes, RHolmgren, S OHolthuizen, D JHonoré, P FHooper, J EHoulden, M AHrubec, JosefHuet, KHulth, P OHultqvist, KIoannou, PIversen, P SJackson, J NJalocha, PJarlskog, GJarry, PJean-Marie, BJohansson, E KJohnson, DJonker, MJönsson, L BJuillot, PKalkanis, GKalmus, George ErnestKapusta, FKarlsson, MKarvelas, EKatsanevas, SKatsoufis, E CKeränen, RKesteman, JKhomenko, B AKhovanskii, N NKing, B JKjaer, N JKlein, HKlovning, AKluit, P MKoch-Mehrin, AKöhne, J HKöne, BKokkinias, PKoratzinos, MKorcyl, KKorytov, A VKostyukhin, VKourkoumelis, CKuznetsov, OKramer, P HKrólikowski, JKronkvist, I JKrüner-Marquis, UKrupinski, WKucewicz, WKulka, KKurvinen, K LLacasta, CLambropoulos, CLamsa, JLanceri, LLapin, VLaugier, J PLauhakangas, RLeder, GerhardLedroit, FLeitner, RLemoigne, YLemonne, JLenzen, GeorgLepeltier, VLesiak, TLévy, J MLieb, E HLiko, DLindgren, JLindner, RLipniacka, ALippi, ILörstad, BLokajícek, MLoken, J GLópez-Fernandez, ALópez-Aguera, M ALos, M ELoukas, DLozano-Bahilo, JLutz, PLyons, LMaehlum, GMaillard, JMaio, AMaltezos, AMandl, FMarco, JMargoni, MMarin, J CMarkou, AMaron, TMartí, SMathis, L GMatorras, FMatteuzzi, CMatthiae, GiorgioMazzucato, MMcCubbin, M LMcKay, RMcNulty, RMeola, GMeroni, CMeyer, W TMichelotto, MMikulec, IMirabito, LMitaroff, Winfried AMitselmakher, GMjörnmark, UMoa, TMøller, RMönig, KMonge, M RMorettini, PMüller, HMurray, W JMuryn, BMyatt, GeraldNavarria, Francesco LuigiNegri, PNicolaidou, RNielsen, B SNijjhar, BNikolaenko, VNilsen, P E SNiss, PObraztsov, V FOlshevskii, A GOrava, RistoOstankov, A PÖsterberg, KOuraou, APaganoni, MPain, RPalka, HPapadopoulou, T DPape, LParodi, FPasseri, APegoraro, MPennanen, JPeralta, LPerevozchikov, VPernegger, HPernicka, ManfredPerrotta, APetridou, CPetrolini, APettersen, Tor ErikPierre, FPimenta, MPingot, OPlaszczynski, SPodobrin, OPol, M EPolok, GPoropat, PPrivitera, PPullia, AntonioRadojicic, DRagazzi, SRahmani, HRatoff, P NRead, A LRebecchi, PRedaelli, N GRegler, MeinhardReid, DRenton, P BResvanis, L KRichard, FRichardson, MRídky, JRinaudo, GRoditi, IRomero, ARoncagliolo, IRonchese, PRönnqvist, CRosenberg, E IRossi, SRossi, URosso, ERoudeau, PatrickRovelli, TRückstuhl, WRuhlmann-Kleider, VRuiz, ARybicki, KSaarikko, HSacquin, YuSajot, GSalt, JSánchez, JSannino, MSchael, SSchneider, HSchulze, BSchyns, M A ESciolla, GScuri, FSegar, A MSeitz, ASekulin, R LSessa, M ISette, GSeufert, RShellard, R CSiccama, ISiegrist, PSimonetti, SSimonetto, FSissakian, A NSkjevling, GSmadja, GSmirnov, NSmith, G RSosnowski, RSouza-Santos, DSpassoff, TzSpiriti, ESquarcia, SStäck, HStanescu, CStapnes, SteinarStavropoulos, G DStichelbaut, FStocchi, AStrauss, JStraver, JStrub, RStugu, BSzczekowski, MSzeptycka, MSzymanski, PTabarelli de Fatis, TChikilev, O GTheodosiou, G ETilquin, ATimmermans, JTimofeev, V GTkatchev, L GTodorov, TToet, D ZToker, OTomé, BTorassa, ETortora, LTreille, DTrevisan, UTrischuk, WTristram, GTroncon, CTsirou, A LTsyganov, E NTurala, MichalTurluer, M LTuuva, TTyapkin, I ATyndel, MTzamarias, SÜberschär, SUllaland, OVallazza, EValls Ferrer, J AVan der Velde, Cvan Apeldoorn, G Wvan Dam, PVan der Heijden, MVan Doninck, W KVaz, PVegni, GVentura, LVenus, W AVerbeure, FVerlato, MVertogradov, L SVilanova, DVincent, PVitale, LVlasov, EVodopyanov, A SVollmer, MVoutilainen, MVrba, VWahlen, HWalck, CWaldner, FWayne, MWehr, AWeierstall, MWeilhammer, PeterWerner, JWetherell, Alan MWickens, J HWilkinson, G RWilliams, W S CWinter, MWitek, MWormser, GWoschnagg, KYamdagni, NYepes, PZaitsev, AZalewska-Bak, AZalewski, PiotrZavrtanik, DZevgolatakos, EZhang, GZimin, N IZito, MZuberi, RZukanovich-Funchal, RZumerle, GZúñiga, JMeasurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEPParticle Physics -
spellingShingle Particle Physics - Experiment
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Aleksan, Roy
Alekseev, G D
Algeri, A
Allen, P
Almehed, S
Alvsvaag, S J
Amaldi, Ugo
Andreazza, A
Antilogus, P
Apel, W D
Apsimon, R J
Arnoud, Y
Åsman, B
Augustin, J E
Augustinus, A
Baillon, Paul
Bambade, P
Barão, F
Barate, R
Barbiellini, Guido
Bardin, Dimitri Yuri
Barker, G
Baroncelli, A
Bärring, O
Barrio, J A
Bartl, Walter
Bates, M J
Battaglia, Marco
Baubillier, M
Becks, K H
Beeston, C J
Begalli, M
Beillière, P
Belokopytov, Yu A
Beltran, P
Benedic, D
Benvenuti, Alberto C
Berggren, M
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bilenky, S M
Billoir, P
Bjarne, J
Bloch, D
Blyth, S
Bocci, V
Bogolubov, P N
Bolognese, T
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, P S L
Borisov, G
Börner, H
Bosio, C
Bostjancic, B
Bosworth, S
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C
Bowcock, T J V
Bozzo, M
Braibant, S
Branchini, P
Brand, K D
Brenner, R A
Briand, H
Bricman, C
Brown, R C A
Brümmer, N
Brunet, J M
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burmeister, H
Buytaert, J
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Camacho-Rozas, A J
Campion, R
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Cao, F
Carena, F
Carroll, L
Caso, Carlo
Castillo-Gimenez, M V
Cattai, A
Cavallo, F R
Cerrito, L
Chabaud, V
Chan, A
Chapkin, M M
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J
Checchia, P
Chelkov, G A
Chevalier, L
Chliapnikov, P V
Chorowicz, V
Chrin, J T M
Clara, M P
Collins, P
Contreras, J L
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Couchot, F
Crawley, H B
Crennell, D J
Crosetti, G
Crozon, M
Cuevas-Maestro, J
Czellar, S
Dahl-Jensen, Erik
D'Almagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G
Darbo, G
Daubie, Evelyne
Daum, A
Dauncey, P D
Davenport, Martyn
David, P
Davies, J
Da Silva, W
Defoix, C
Delpierre, P A
Demaria, N
De Angelis, A
De Boeck, H
de Boer, Wim
De Clercq, C
De Fez Laso, M D M
De Groot, N
La Vaissière, C de
De Lotto, B
De Min, A
Dijkstra, H
Di Ciaccio, Lucia
Djama, F
Dolbeau, J
Dönszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Dris, M
Dufour, Y
Dupont, F
Eek, L O
Eerola, Paule Anna Mari
Ehret, R
Ekelöf, T J C
Ekspong, Gösta
Elliot-Peisert, A
Engel, J P
Ershaidat, N
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, Michael
Fenyuk, A
Fernández-Alonso, M
Ferrer, A
Filippas-Tassos, A
Firestone, A
Föth, H
Fokitis, E
Fontanelli, F
Forbes, K A J
Fousset, J L
Francon, S
Franek, B J
Frenkiel, P
Fries, D E C
Frodesen, A G
Frühwirth, R
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Furnival, K
Fürstenau, H
Fuster, J A
Gamba, D
García, C
García, J
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, E N
Gerber, J P
Giacomelli, P
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Golovatyuk, V M
Gómez-Cadenas, J J
Goobar, A
Gopal, Gian P
Górski, M
Gracco, Valerio
Grant, A
Grard, F
Graziani, E
Grosdidier, G
Gross, E
Grosse-Wiesmann, P
Grossetête, B
Guy, J
Haedinger, U
Hahn, F
Hahn, M
Haider, S
Hakansson, A
Hallgren, A
Halpaap, M
Hamacher, K
Hamel de Monchenault, G
Hao, W
Harris, F J
Hedberg, V
Henkes, T
Hernández, J J
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, T L
Hietanen, I
Higgins, C O
Higón, E
Hilke, Hans Jürgen
Hodgson, S D
Hofmokl, T
Holmes, R
Holmgren, S O
Holthuizen, D J
Honoré, P F
Hooper, J E
Houlden, M A
Hrubec, Josef
Huet, K
Hulth, P O
Hultqvist, K
Ioannou, P
Iversen, P S
Jackson, J N
Jalocha, P
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
Jean-Marie, B
Johansson, E K
Johnson, D
Jonker, M
Jönsson, L B
Juillot, P
Kalkanis, G
Kalmus, George Ernest
Kapusta, F
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, E C
Keränen, R
Kesteman, J
Khomenko, B A
Khovanskii, N N
King, B J
Kjaer, N J
Klein, H
Klovning, A
Kluit, P M
Koch-Mehrin, A
Köhne, J H
Köne, B
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Korytov, A V
Kostyukhin, V
Kourkoumelis, C
Kuznetsov, O
Kramer, P H
Królikowski, J
Kronkvist, I J
Krüner-Marquis, U
Krupinski, W
Kucewicz, W
Kulka, K
Kurvinen, K L
Lacasta, C
Lambropoulos, C
Lamsa, J
Lanceri, L
Lapin, V
Laugier, J P
Lauhakangas, R
Leder, Gerhard
Ledroit, F
Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, Georg
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Lévy, J M
Lieb, E H
Liko, D
Lindgren, J
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
Lippi, I
Lörstad, B
Lokajícek, M
Loken, J G
López-Fernandez, A
López-Aguera, M A
Los, M E
Loukas, D
Lozano-Bahilo, J
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maillard, J
Maio, A
Maltezos, A
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Margoni, M
Marin, J C
Markou, A
Maron, T
Martí, S
Mathis, L G
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, Giorgio
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M L
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Meola, G
Meroni, C
Meyer, W T
Michelotto, M
Mikulec, I
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, Winfried A
Mitselmakher, G
Mjörnmark, U
Moa, T
Møller, R
Mönig, K
Monge, M R
Morettini, P
Müller, H
Murray, W J
Muryn, B
Myatt, Gerald
Navarria, Francesco Luigi
Negri, P
Nicolaidou, R
Nielsen, B S
Nijjhar, B
Nikolaenko, V
Nilsen, P E S
Niss, P
Obraztsov, V F
Olshevskii, A G
Orava, Risto
Ostankov, A P
Österberg, K
Ouraou, A
Paganoni, M
Pain, R
Palka, H
Papadopoulou, T D
Pape, L
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Pennanen, J
Peralta, L
Perevozchikov, V
Pernegger, H
Pernicka, Manfred
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A
Pettersen, Tor Erik
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Pingot, O
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, M E
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Privitera, P
Pullia, Antonio
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Ratoff, P N
Read, A L
Rebecchi, P
Redaelli, N G
Regler, Meinhard
Reid, D
Renton, P B
Resvanis, L K
Richard, F
Richardson, M
Rídky, J
Rinaudo, G
Roditi, I
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Rönnqvist, C
Rosenberg, E I
Rossi, S
Rossi, U
Rosso, E
Roudeau, Patrick
Rovelli, T
Rückstuhl, W
Ruhlmann-Kleider, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Yu
Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sánchez, J
Sannino, M
Schael, S
Schneider, H
Schulze, B
Schyns, M A E
Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Segar, A M
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R L
Sessa, M I
Sette, G
Seufert, R
Shellard, R C
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sissakian, A N
Skjevling, G
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smith, G R
Sosnowski, R
Souza-Santos, D
Spassoff, Tz
Spiriti, E
Squarcia, S
Stäck, H
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, Steinar
Stavropoulos, G D
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Straver, J
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Szymanski, P
Tabarelli de Fatis, T
Chikilev, O G
Theodosiou, G E
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Timofeev, V G
Tkatchev, L G
Todorov, T
Toet, D Z
Toker, O
Tomé, B
Torassa, E
Tortora, L
Treille, D
Trevisan, U
Trischuk, W
Tristram, G
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A L
Tsyganov, E N
Turala, Michal
Turluer, M L
Tuuva, T
Tyapkin, I A
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Überschär, S
Ullaland, O
Vallazza, E
Valls Ferrer, J A
Van der Velde, C
van Apeldoorn, G W
van Dam, P
Van der Heijden, M
Van Doninck, W K
Vaz, P
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Venus, W A
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, L S
Vilanova, D
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, A S
Vollmer, M
Voutilainen, M
Vrba, V
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Wayne, M
Wehr, A
Weierstall, M
Weilhammer, Peter
Werner, J
Wetherell, Alan M
Wickens, J H
Wilkinson, G R
Williams, W S C
Winter, M
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Woschnagg, K
Yamdagni, N
Yepes, P
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska-Bak, A
Zalewski, Piotr
Zavrtanik, D
Zevgolatakos, E
Zhang, G
Zimin, N I
Zito, M
Zuberi, R
Zukanovich-Funchal, R
Zumerle, G
Zúñiga, J
Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title_full Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title_fullStr Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title_full_unstemmed Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title_short Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP
title_sort measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at lep
topic Particle Physics - Experiment
work_keys_str_mv AT abreup measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT adamw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT adyet measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT agasie measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT aleksanroy measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT alekseevgd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT algeria measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT allenp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT almeheds measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT alvsvaagsj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT amaldiugo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT andreazzaa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT antilogusp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT apelwd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT apsimonrj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT arnoudy measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT asmanb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT augustinje measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT augustinusa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT baillonpaul measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bambadep measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT baraof measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT barater measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT barbielliniguido measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bardindimitriyuri measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT barkerg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT baroncellia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT barringo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT barrioja measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bartlwalter measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT batesmj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT battagliamarco measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT baubillierm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT beckskh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT beestoncj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT begallim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT beillierep measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT belokopytovyua measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT beltranp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT benedicd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT benvenutialbertoc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT berggrenm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bertrandd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bianchif measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bilenkysm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT billoirp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bjarnej measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT blochd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT blyths measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bocciv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bogolubovpn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bologneset measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bonesinim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT boniventow measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT boothpsl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT borisovg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bornerh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bosioc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bostjancicb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bosworths measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT botnero measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bouquetb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bourdariosc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bowcocktjv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bozzom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT braibants measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT branchinip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT brandkd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT brennerra measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT briandh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT bricmanc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT brownrca measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT brummern measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT brunetjm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT buggel measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT burant measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT burmeisterh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT buytaertj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cacciam measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT calvim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT camachorozasaj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT campionr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT camporesit measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT canalev measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT caof measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT carenaf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT carrolll measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT casocarlo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT castillogimenezmv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cattaia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cavallofr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cerritol measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chabaudv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chana measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chapkinmm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT charpentierp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chaussardl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chauveauj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT checchiap measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chelkovga measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chevalierl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chliapnikovpv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chorowiczv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chrinjtm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT claramp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT collinsp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT contrerasjl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT contrir measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cortinae measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cosmeg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT couchotf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT crawleyhb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT crennelldj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT crosettig measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT crozonm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT cuevasmaestroj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT czellars measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dahljensenerik measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dalmagneb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT damm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT damgaardg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT darbog measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT daubieevelyne measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dauma measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT daunceypd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT davenportmartyn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT davidp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT daviesj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dasilvaw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
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AT delpierrepa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT demarian measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT deangelisa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT deboeckh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT deboerwim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT declercqc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT defezlasomdm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT degrootn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lavaissierecde measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
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AT demina measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dijkstrah measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT diciacciolucia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT djamaf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dolbeauj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT donszelmannm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dorobak measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dracosm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dreesj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT drism measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dufoury measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT dupontf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT eeklo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT eerolapauleannamari measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ehretr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ekeloftjc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT eksponggosta measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT elliotpeiserta measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
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AT ershaidatn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
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AT feindtmichael measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fenyuka measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fernandezalonsom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ferrera measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT filippastassosa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT firestonea measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fothh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fokitise measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fontanellif measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT forbeskaj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT foussetjl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT francons measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT franekbj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT frenkielp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT friesdec measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT frodesenag measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fruhwirthr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fuldaquenzerf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT furnivalk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT furstenauh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT fusterja measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gambad measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT garciac measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT garciaj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gasparc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gaspariniu measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gavilletp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gazisen measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gerberjp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT giacomellip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gokielir measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT golobb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT golovatyukvm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gomezcadenasjj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT goobara measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gopalgianp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT gorskim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT graccovalerio measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT granta measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grardf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grazianie measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grosdidierg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grosse measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grossewiesmannp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT grosseteteb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT guyj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT haedingeru measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hahnf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hahnm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT haiders measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hakanssona measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hallgrena measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT halpaapm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hamacherk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hameldemonchenaultg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT haow measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT harrisfj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hedbergv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT henkest measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hernandezjj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT herquetp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT herrh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hessingtl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hietaneni measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT higginsco measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT higone measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hilkehansjurgen measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hodgsonsd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hofmoklt measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT holmesr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT holmgrenso measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT holthuizendj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT honorepf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hooperje measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT houldenma measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hrubecjosef measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT huetk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hulthpo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT hultqvistk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ioannoup measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT iversenps measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jacksonjn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jalochap measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jarlskogg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jarryp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jeanmarieb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT johanssonek measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT johnsond measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jonkerm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT jonssonlb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT juillotp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kalkanisg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kalmusgeorgeernest measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kapustaf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT karlssonm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT karvelase measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT katsanevass measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT katsoufisec measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT keranenr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kestemanj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT khomenkoba measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT khovanskiinn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kingbj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kjaernj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kleinh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT klovninga measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kluitpm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kochmehrina measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kohnejh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT koneb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kokkiniasp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT koratzinosm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT korcylk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT korytovav measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kostyukhinv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kourkoumelisc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kuznetsovo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kramerph measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT krolikowskij measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kronkvistij measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT krunermarquisu measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT krupinskiw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kucewiczw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kulkak measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT kurvinenkl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lacastac measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lambropoulosc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lamsaj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lanceril measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lapinv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT laugierjp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lauhakangasr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ledergerhard measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ledroitf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT leitnerr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lemoigney measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lemonnej measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lenzengeorg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lepeltierv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lesiakt measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT levyjm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT liebeh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT likod measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lindgrenj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lindnerr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lipniackaa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lippii measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lorstadb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lokajicekm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lokenjg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lopezfernandeza measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lopezaguerama measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT losme measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT loukasd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lozanobahiloj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lutzp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT lyonsl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT maehlumg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT maillardj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT maioa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT maltezosa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mandlf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT marcoj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT margonim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT marinjc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT markoua measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT maront measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT martis measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mathislg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT matorrasf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT matteuzzic measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT matthiaegiorgio measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mazzucatom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mccubbinml measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mckayr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mcnultyr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT meolag measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT meronic measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT meyerwt measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT michelottom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mikuleci measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mirabitol measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mitaroffwinfrieda measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mitselmakherg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mjornmarku measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT moat measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT møllerr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT monigk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mongemr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT morettinip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT mullerh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT murraywj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT murynb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT myattgerald measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT navarriafrancescoluigi measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT negrip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nicolaidour measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nielsenbs measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nijjharb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nikolaenkov measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nilsenpes measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT nissp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT obraztsovvf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT olshevskiiag measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT oravaristo measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ostankovap measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT osterbergk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ouraoua measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT paganonim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT painr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT palkah measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT papadopouloutd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT papel measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT parodif measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT passeria measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pegorarom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pennanenj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT peraltal measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT perevozchikovv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT perneggerh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pernickamanfred measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT perrottaa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT petridouc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT petrolinia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pettersentorerik measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pierref measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pimentam measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pingoto measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT plaszczynskis measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT podobrino measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT polme measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT polokg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT poropatp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT priviterap measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT pulliaantonio measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT radojicicd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ragazzis measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rahmanih measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ratoffpn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT readal measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rebecchip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT redaelling measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT reglermeinhard measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT reidd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rentonpb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT resvanislk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT richardf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT richardsonm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ridkyj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rinaudog measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT roditii measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT romeroa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT roncaglioloi measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ronchesep measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ronnqvistc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rosenbergei measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rossis measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rossiu measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rossoe measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT roudeaupatrick measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rovellit measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ruckstuhlw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ruhlmannkleiderv measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ruiza measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT rybickik measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT saarikkoh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sacquinyu measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sajotg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT saltj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sanchezj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sanninom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT schaels measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT schneiderh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT schulzeb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT schynsmae measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sciollag measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT scurif measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT segaram measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT seitza measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sekulinrl measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sessami measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT setteg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT seufertr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT shellardrc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT siccamai measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT siegristp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT simonettis measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT simonettof measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sissakianan measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT skjevlingg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT smadjag measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT smirnovn measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT smithgr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT sosnowskir measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT souzasantosd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT spassofftz measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT spiritie measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT squarcias measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stackh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stanescuc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stapnessteinar measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stavropoulosgd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stichelbautf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stocchia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT straussj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT straverj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT strubr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT stugub measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT szczekowskim measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT szeptyckam measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT szymanskip measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tabarellidefatist measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT chikilevog measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT theodosiouge measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tilquina measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT timmermansj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT timofeevvg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tkatchevlg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT todorovt measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT toetdz measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tokero measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tomeb measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT torassae measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tortoral measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT treilled measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT trevisanu measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT trischukw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tristramg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tronconc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tsiroual measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tsyganoven measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT turalamichal measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT turluerml measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tuuvat measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tyapkinia measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tyndelm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT tzamariass measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT uberschars measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ullalando measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vallazzae measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vallsferrerja measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vanderveldec measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vanapeldoorngw measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vandamp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vanderheijdenm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vandoninckwk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vazp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vegnig measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ventural measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT venuswa measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT verbeuref measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT verlatom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vertogradovls measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vilanovad measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vincentp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vitalel measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vlasove measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vodopyanovas measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vollmerm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT voutilainenm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT vrbav measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wahlenh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT walckc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT waldnerf measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT waynem measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wehra measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT weierstallm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT weilhammerpeter measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wernerj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wetherellalanm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wickensjh measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wilkinsongr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT williamswsc measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT winterm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT witekm measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT wormserg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT woschnaggk measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT yamdagnin measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT yepesp measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zaitseva measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zalewskabaka measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zalewskipiotr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zavrtanikd measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zevgolatakose measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zhangg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT ziminni measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zitom measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zuberir measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zukanovichfunchalr measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zumerleg measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep
AT zunigaj measurementofthetriplegluonvertexfrom4jeteventsatlep