
The tagging detector for the NA48 experiment

The final design of the NA48 tagging system is described and a discussion of the 1992 test run results for the detector prototype is presented. A time resolution of about 90 ps is obtained with standard electronics, and a light yield of 300–400 p.e. is measured. A 450 MHz 6 bit FADC system has been...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beier, T, Blümer, H, Calvetti, M, Cenci, P, Grafström, P, Lariccia, P, Lubrano, P, Mehren, T, Papi, A, Pepé, M, Preussig, M, Punturo, M, Renk, B, Setzu, M G, Staeck, J, Talamonti, C, Taurok, Anton, Zeitnitz, O
Publicado: 1993
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