
The Monopix chips: Depleted monolithic active pixel sensors with a column-drain read-out architecture for the ATLAS Inner Tracker upgrade

Two different depleted monolithic CMOS active pixel sensor (DMAPS) prototypes with a fully synchronous column-drain read-out architecture were designed and tested: LF-Monopix and TJ-Monopix. These chips are part of a R&D effort towards a suitable implementation of a CMOS DMAPS for the HL-LHC ATL...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Caicedo, I., Barbero, M., Barrillon, P., Berdalovic, I., Bhat, S., Bespin, C., Breugnon, P., Cardella, R., Chen, Z., Degerli, Y., Dingfelder, J., Godiot, S., Guilloux, F., Hirono, T., Hemperek, T., Hãijgging, F., Krãijger, H., Kugathasan, T., Moustakas, K., Pangaud, P., Pernegger, H., Riedler, P., Rozanov, A., Rymaszewski, P., Schwemling, P., Snoeys, W., Vandenbroucke, M., Wang, T., Wermes, N.
Publicado: 2019
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