
Results on Proton-Irradiated 3D Pixel Sensors Interconnected to RD53A Readout ASIC

Test beam results obtained with 3D pixel sensors bump-bonded to the RD53A prototype readout ASIC are reported. Sensors from FBK Italy and IMB-CNM (Spain) have been tested before and after proton-irradiation to an equivalent fluence of about 1 × 10 16 ≠cm -2 (1 MeV equivalent neutrons). This is the f...

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Autores principales: Duarte-Campderros, Jordi, Currás, Esteban, Fernández, Marcos, Gómez, Gervasio, García, Andrea, González, Javier, Silva, Esther, Vila, Ivan, Jaramillo, Richard, Meschini, Marco, Ceccarelli, Rudy, Dinardo, Mauro, Gennai, Simone, Moroni, Luigi, Zuolo, Davide, Demaria, Natale, Monteil, Ennio, Gaioni, Luigi, Messineo, Alberto, Dalla Beta, Gian-Franco, Menicino, Roberto, Boscardin, Maurizio
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Publicado: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 2019
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