
Determination of the branching ratios $\Gamma(K_{L} \to 3\pi^{0}) / \Gamma(K_{L} \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0})$ and $\Gamma(K_{L} \to 3\pi^{0}) / \Gamma(K_{L} \to \pi e\nu)$

Improved branching ratios were measured for the K_L \to 3 \pi^0 decay in a neutral beam at the CERN SPS with the NA31 detector:\\ \Gamma (K_L \to 3 \pi^0) / \Gamma (K_L \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0) = 1.611 \pm 0.037 and\\ \Gamma (K_L \to 3 \pi^0) / \Gamma (K_L \to \pi e \nu ) = 0.545 \pm 0.010.\\ {}From t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kreutz, A., Holder, M., Rost, M., Werthenbach, R., Peach, K.J., Blumer, H., Heinz, R., Kleinknecht, K., Mayer, P., Panzer, B., Renk, B., Rohrer, H., Wagner, A., Auge, E., Fournier, D., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Perdereau, O., Schaffer, A.C., Serin, L., Bertanza, L., Bigi, A., Calafiura, P., Calvetti, M., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Mannelli, I., Marzulli, V., Nappi, A., Pierazzini, G.M.
Publicado: 1994
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