
Usage of the CERN MORPURGO magnet for the MADMAX prototype

The MAgnetized Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment (MADMAX) is a new initiative to search for dark matter axions in the mass range of 40 to 400 $\mu$eV. The MADMAX collaboration is presently preparing its prototype booster to validate the experimental concept by proving the mechanical feasibility. Here...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beurthey, S., Böhmer, N., Brun, P., Caldwell, A., Chevalier, L., Diaconu, C., Dvali, G., Freire, P., Gardikiotis, A., Garutti, E., Gooch, C., Hambarzumjan, A., Heyminck, S., Hubaut, F., Jochum, J., Karst, P., Khan, S., Kittlinger, D., Knirck, S., Kramer, M., Krieger, C., Lasserre, T., Lee, C., Li, X., Lindner, A., Majorovits, B., Matysek, M., Martens, S., Öz, E., Pataguppi, P., Pralavorio, P., Raffelt, G., Redondo, J., Reimann, O., Ringwald, A., Saikawa, K., Sedlak, A., Shtembari, L., Steffen, F., Strandhagen, C., Strom, D., Schmidt, A., Schütte-Engel, J., Schaffran, J., Wieching, G.
Publicado: 2020
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