
Performance of ALICE AD modules in the CERN PS test beam

Two modules of the AD detector have been studied with the test beam at the T10 facility at CERN. The AD detector is made of scintillator pads read out by wave-length shifters (WLS) coupled to clean fibres that carry the produced light to photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs). In ALICE the AD is used to trig...

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Autores principales: Broz, M., Cabanillas Noris, J.C., Calvo Villar, E., Duarte Galvan, C., Endress, E., Beltrán, L.G. Espinoza, Fernández Téllez, A., Finogeev, D., Gago, A.M., Herrera Corral, G., Kim, T., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A.B., Kurepin, N., Monzón, I. León, Hernandez, M.I. Martínez, Mayer, C., Mieskolainen, M.M., Orava, R., Perez Moreno, L.A., Revol, J.-P., Cahuantzi, M. Rodríguez, Rojas Torres, S., Serebryakov, D., Shabanov, A., Usenko, E., Villatoro Tello, A.
Publicado: 2020
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