
The NANOGrav 12.5-Year Data Set: Polarimetry, Rotation Measures, and Galactic Magnetic Field Strengths from NANOGrav Observations with the Green Bank Telescope

We present polarization profiles for 24 millisecond pulsars observed at 820 and 1500 MHz with the Green Bank Telescope by the NANOGrav pulsar timing array. We use Mueller matrix solutions calculated from observations of PSRs B1929+10 and J1022+1001 to calibrate the data. We discuss the polarization...

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Autores principales: Wahl, H.M., McLaughlin, M.A., Gentile, P.A., Jones, M.L., Spiewak, R., Arzoumanian, Z., Crowter, K., Demorest, P.B., DeCesar, M.E., Dolch, T., Ellis, J.A., Ferdman, R.D., Ferrara, E.C., Fonseca, E., Garver-Daniels, N., Jones, G., Lam, M.T., Levin, L., Lewandowska, N., Lorimer, D.R., Lynch, R.S., Madison, D.R., Ng, C., Nice, D.J., Pennucci, T.T., Ransom, S.M., Ray, P., Stairs, I.H., Stovall, K., Swiggum, J.K., Zhu, W.W.
Publicado: 2021
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