
Vacuum-Compatible, Ultra-Thin-Wall Straw Tracker; Detector construction, Thinner straw R&D;, and the brand-new graphite-straw development

The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom, l. 174 μ-e conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity better than l. 175 10−16, 4 orders of magnitude better than the present limit, in order to explore the param...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nishiguchi, H, Danielsson, H, Hamada, E, Hashimoto, Y, Kamei, N, Mihara, S, Osawa, O, Suzuki, J, Tsamalaidze, Z, Tsverava, N, Ueno, K, Volkov, A, Watanabe, K
Publicado: 2022
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