
Recoil Proton Telescopes and Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters for the $^{235}$U(n,f) cross section measurement relative to H(n,n)H between 10 and 450 MeV neutron energy

With the aim of measuring the $^{235}$U(n,f) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERNover a wide neutron energy range, a detection system consisting of two fission detectors and threedetectors for neutron flux determination was realized. The neutron flux detectors are RecoilProton Telescopes (RPT...

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Autores principales: Manna, A., Pirovano, E., Aberle, O., Amaducci, S., Barbagallo, M., Castelluccio, D.M., Colonna, N., Camprini, P. Console, Cosentino, L., Dietz, M., Ducasse, Q., Finocchiaro, P., Le Naour, C., Meo, S. Lo, Mastromarco, M., Massimi, C., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P.M., Mingrone, F., Nolte, R., Piscopo, M., Radeck, D., Spelta, M., Tassan-Got, L., Terranova, N., Vannini, G.
Publicado: 2022
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