
ATLAS17LS – A large-format prototype silicon strip sensor for long-strip barrel section of ATLAS ITk strip detector

The ATLAS experiment is going to replace the current Inner Detector with an all new inner tracker (ITk) in the ATLAS detector for HL-LHC at CERN. Silicon strip detectors cover the outer layers of the barrel and the endcap sections. We have designed and fabricated a prototype single-sided n + -in-p A...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Unno, Y, Abo, Y, Affolder, A, Allport, P, Bloch, I, Blue, A, Fadeyev, V, Fernandez-Tejero, J, Gregor, I, Haber, C, Hara, K, Hommels, B, Kamada, S, Koffas, T, Lacker, H, Miyagawa, P S, Parzefall, U, Sawyer, C A, Ullan, M, Yamamura, K, Zhu, H
Publicado: 2021
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