
Detector design and performance tests of the ESS-neutron Beam Loss Monitor detectors

A new type of beam loss monitor has been developed based on the detection of fast neutrons produced by beam losses in hadron linear accelerators. This neutron sensitive Beam Loss Monitor (nBLM) has been concieved to fulfil the requirements of the European Spallation Source (ESS) and it will be p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Segui, L, Dolenc Kittelmann, I, Papaevangelou, T, Aune, S, Benedetti, F, Gougnaud, F, Lahonde, C, Legou, P, Mariette, Y, Marroncle, J, Mikulec, B, Nadot, V, Tsiledakis, G, Shea, T J, Zamantzas, C
Publicado: 2023
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