
Forward Diffractive Detector control system for Run 3 in the ALICE experiment

The ALICE experiment went through major upgrades in preparation for Runs 3 and 4 at the CERN LHC, which foresee a significant increase in the data stream rate. To cope with it, a new Computing System Online–Offline (O2) was developed by ALICE and several detectors were upgraded. One of these upgrade...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mejía Camacho, J M, Rodríguez Ramírez, S A, Cabanillas Noris, J C, Duarte Galván, C, Fernández Téllez, A, Finogeev, D, Gulbrandsen, K, Herrera Corral, G, Karavicheva, T, León Monzón, I, Martínez Hernández, M I, Rojas Torres, S, Serebryakov, D, Slupecki, M, Sukhanov, M, Tejeda Muñoz, G, Trzaska, W H, Vozniuk, N
Publicado: 2023
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