
A 2nd generation cosmic axion experiment

An experiment is described to detect dark matter axions trapped in the halo of our galaxy. Galactic axions are converted into microwave photons via the Primakoff effect in a static background field provided by a superconducting magnet. The photons are collected in a high Q microwave cavity and detec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hagmann, C A, Stoeffl, W, Van Bibber, K, Daw, E J, Kinion, D S, Rosenberg, L J, Sikivie, P, Sullivan, N, Tanner, D B, Moltz, D M, Nezrick, F A, Turner, M, Golubev, N A, Kravchuk, L V
Publicado: 1995
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