
Destructive breakdown studies of irradiated LGADs at beam tests for the ATLAS HGTD

In the past years, it has been observed at several beam test campaigns thatirradiated LGAD sensors break with a typical star shaped burn mark whenoperated at voltages much lower than those at which they were safely operatedduring laboratory tests. The study presented in this paper was designed todet...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beresford, L.A., Boumediene, D.E., Castillo García, L., Corpe, L.D., Da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa, M.J., Jarrari, H. El, Eshkevarvakili, A., Grieco, C., Grinstein, S., Guindon, S., Howard, A., Kramberger, G., Kurdysh, O., Mazini, R., Missio, M., Morenas, M., Perrin, O., Raskina, V., Saito, G., Trincaz-Duvoid, S.
Publicado: 2023
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