
Measurement of the lifetime of Pb$^{52+}$, Pb$^{53+}$ and Pb$^{54+}$ beams at 4.2 MeV per nucleon subject to electron cooling

By measuring the lifetime of stored beams, the recombination of the ions with cooling electrons was investigated. Rates found are larger than expected for radiative electron capture and significantly higher for Pb53+ than for Pb54+ and Pb52+. These results are important for the design of the lead io...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baird, S A, Bosser, Jacques, Carli, Christian, Chanel, M, Lefèvre, P, Ley, R, MacCaferri, R, Maury, S, Meshkov, I N, Möhl, D, Molinari, G, Motsch, F, Mulder, H, Tranquille, G, Varenne, F
Publicado: 1995
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