
A proposal to test beam extraction by crystal channeling at the SPS: a first step towards a LHC extracted beam

The availability of a beam extracted out of the LHC accelerator would open up very interesting possibilities for B-physics, in particular for the study of CP-violation. Channeling in bent crystals appears to be the most promising method to produce an extracted beam of intensity 10**8 protons/s. This...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jensen, B N, Møller, S P, Uggerhøj, Erik, Worm, T, Elsener, K, Fidecaro, Giuseppe, Fidecaro, Maria, Calcaterra, A, De Sangro, R, Peruzzi, I, Gorini, E, Palamara, O, Petrera, S, Websdale, David M, Bellazzini, R, Brez, A, Carboni, G, Costantini, F, Lami, S, Massai, M M, Torquati, M R, Capone, A, De Pedis, D, Ferroni, F, Morganti, S, Piredda, G, Santacesaria, R, Hage-Ali, M, Siffert, P, Henes, R, Keppler, P, Maier, K, Busso, L, Gamba, D, Grasso, A, Tosello, F, Lanceri, L, Poropat, P
Publicado: 1991
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Sumario:The availability of a beam extracted out of the LHC accelerator would open up very interesting possibilities for B-physics, in particular for the study of CP-violation. Channeling in bent crystals appears to be the most promising method to produce an extracted beam of intensity 10**8 protons/s. This would provide as many as 10**10 B-Bbar pairs per year of run, i.e. two orders of magnitude more than could be produced by an e+e- B-factory with a luminosity of 10**34 cm-2 s-1. We propose an R&D programme to study beam extraction at the CERN SPS, using a bent crystal to be installed in the SPS beam pipe and placed next to the beam in such a way as to intercept the beam halo. Transverse excitation of the beam in the presence of non-linearities will be used to create halo conditions similar to those expected for the LHC.