
np elastic scattering spin-spin correlation parameter measurements between 500 and 800 MeV; 3, mixtures of C$_{SS}$, C$_{LS}$, C$_{LL}$, and C$_{NN}$

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Carlson, V, Garnett, R W, Hill, D, Johnson, K F, Lopiano, D, Ohashi, Y, Shima, T, Spinka, H M, Stanek, R, Underwood, D G, Yokosawa, A, Beddo, M E, Burleson, G R, Faucett, J A, Kyle, G S, Rawool-Sullivan, M, Shimizu, H M, Glass, G, Nath, S, Northcliffe, L C, Jarmer, J J, Jeppesen, R H, Tripard, G E
Publicado: 1995
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