
Decay patterns of target-like and projectile-like nuclei produced in $^{84}$Kr + $^{197}$Au, $^{nat}$U reactions at E/A = 150 MeV

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Quednau, B M, Créma, E, Galin, J, Gebauer, B, Hilscher, D, Jacquet, D, Jahnke, U, Ledoux, X, Lépine-Szily, A, Leray, S, Lott, B, Morjean, M, Péghaire, A, Pienkowski, L, Proschitzki, S, Röschert, G, Rossner, H, Siemssen, R H, Stéphan, C
Publicado: 1996
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