
The CPLEAR Electromagnetic Calorimeter

A large-acceptance lead/gas sampling electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) was constructed for the CPLEAR experiment to detect photons from decays of $\pi^0$s with momentum $p_{\pi^0} \le 800$ MeV$/c$. The main purpose of the ECAL is to determine the decay vertex of neutral-kaon decays $\ko \rightarrow...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Adler, R, Backenstoss, Gerhard, Bal, F, Behnke, O, Bloch, P, Damianoglou, D, Dechelette, Paul, Dröge, M, Eckart, B, Felder, C, Fetscher, W, Fidecaro, Maria, Garreta, D, Gerber, H J, Gumplinger, P, Guyon, D, Johner, H U, Löfstedt, B, Kern, J, Kokkas, P, Krause, H, Mall, U, Marin, C P, Nanni, F, Pagels, B, Pavlopoulos, P, Petit, P, Polivka, G, Rheme, C, Ruf, T, Santoni, C, Schaller, L A, Schopper, A, Tauscher, Ludwig, Tschopp, H, Weber, P, Wendler, H, Witzig, C, Wolter, M
Publicado: 1996
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