
First observation of the deflection of a 33 TeV Pb ion beam in a bent silicon crystal

For the first time, the deflection of an ultra-relativistic, fully stripped Pb82+ ion beam in a bent silicon crystal has been observed. The ions were provided by the CERN-SPS in the H4 beam at a momentum of 400 GeV/c per unit of charge. A 60 mm long silicon crystal, bent over 50 mm to give a 4 mrad...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Biino, C, Clément, M, Doble, Niels T, Elsener, K, Gatignon, L, Grafström, P, Mikkelsen, U, Taratin, A M, Møller, S P, Uggerhøj, Erik, Keppler, P, Major, J V
Publicado: 1997
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