
Measurement of the $Q^2$ evolution of the photon structure function $F^{\gamma}_{2}$

New measurements are presented of the photon structure function F_2^gamma(Q) at four values of Q^2 between 9 and 59 GeV/c^2 based on data collected with the OPAL detector at centre-of-mass energies of 161-172 GeV, with a total integrated luminosity of 18.1 pb^-1. The evolution of F_2^gamma with Q^2...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ackerstaff, K., Alexander, G., Allison, John, Altekamp, N., Anderson, K.J., Anderson, S., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Ball, A.H., Barberio, E., Barillari, T., Barlow, Roger J., Bartoldus, R., Batley, J.R., Baumann, S., Bechtluft, J., Beeston, C., Behnke, T., Bell, A.N., Bell, Kenneth Watson, Bella, G., Bentvelsen, S., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Biguzzi, A., Bird, S.D., Blobel, V., Bloodworth, I.J., Bloomer, J.E., Bobinski, M., Bock, P., Bonacorsi, D., Boutemeur, M., Bouwens, B.T., Braibant, S., Brigliadori, L., Brown, Robert M., Burckhart, H.J., Burgard, C., Burgin, R., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, David G., Chrisman, D., Clarke, P.E.L., Cohen, I., Conboy, J.E., Cooke, O.C., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallapiccola, C., Dallavalle, G.Marco, Davies, R., De Jong, S., del Pozo, L.A., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M.S., do Couto e Silva, E., Doucet, M., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Eatough, D., Edwards, J.E.G., Estabrooks, P.G., Evans, H.G., Evans, M., Fabbri, F., Fanti, M., Faust, A.A., Fiedler, F., Fierro, M., Fischer, H.M., Fleck, I., Folman, R., Fong, D.G., Foucher, M., Furtjes, A., Futyan, D.I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., Gascon-Shotkin, S.M., Geddes, N.I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Geralis, T., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Giacomelli, R., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gingrich, D.M., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M.J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwe, M., Hajdu, C., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Hargrove, C.K., Hart, P.A., Hartmann, C., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Hawkings, R., Hemingway, R.J., Herndon, M., Herten, G., Heuer, R.D., Hildreth, M.D., Hill, J.C., Hillier, S.J., Hobson, P.R., Homer, R.J., Honma, A.K., Horvath, D., Hossain, K.R., Howard, R., Huntemeyer, P., Hutchcroft, D.E., Igo-Kemenes, P., Imrie, D.C., Ingram, M.R., Ishii, K., Jawahery, A., Jeffreys, P.W., Jeremie, H., Jimack, M., Joly, A., Jones, C.R., Jones, G., Jones, M., Jost, U., Jovanovic, P., Junk, T.R., Karlen, D., Kartvelishvili, V., Kawagoe, K., Kawamoto, T., Kayal, P.I., Keeler, R.K., Kellogg, R.G., Kennedy, B.W., Kirk, J., Klier, A., Kluth, S., Kobayashi, T., Kobel, M., Koetke, D.S., Kokott, T.P., Kolrep, M., Komamiya, S., Kress, T., Krieger, P., von Krogh, J., Kyberd, P., Lafferty, G.D., Lahmann, R., Lai, W.P., Lanske, D., Lauber, J., Lautenschlager, S.R., Layter, J.G., Lazic, D., Lee, A.M., Lefebvre, E., Lellouch, D., Letts, J., Levinson, L., Lloyd, S.L., Loebinger, F.K., Long, G.D., Losty, M.J., Ludwig, J., Macchiolo, A., Macpherson, A., Mannelli, M., Marcellini, S., Markus, C., Martin, A.J., Martin, J.P., Martinez, G., Mashimo, T., Mattig, Peter, McDonald, W.John, McKenna, J., Mckigney, E.A., McMahon, T.J., McPherson, R.A., Meijers, F., Menke, S., Merritt, F.S., Mes, H., Meyer, J., Michelini, A., Mikenberg, G., Miller, D.J., Mincer, A., Mir, R., Mohr, W., Montanari, A., Mori, T., Morii, M., Muller, U., Mihara, S., Nagai, K., Nakamura, I., Neal, H.A., Nellen, B., Nisius, R., O'Neale, S.W., Oakham, F.G., Odorici, F., Ogren, H.O., Oh, A., Oldershaw, N.J., Oreglia, M.J., Orito, S., Palinkas, J., Pasztor, G., Pater, J.R., Patrick, G.N., Patt, J., Pearce, M.J., Perez-Ochoa, R., Petzold, S., Pfeifenschneider, P., Pilcher, J.E., Pinfold, J., Plane, David E., Poffenberger, P., Poli, B., Posthaus, A., Rees, D.L., Rigby, D., Robertson, S., Robins, S.A., Rodning, N., Roney, J.M., Rooke, A., Ros, E., Rossi, A.M., Routenburg, P., Rozen, Y., Runge, K., Runolfsson, O., Ruppel, U., Rust, D.R., Rylko, R., Sachs, K., Saeki, T., Sarkisian, E.K.G., Sbarra, C., Schaile, A.D., Schaile, O., Scharf, F., Scharff-Hansen, P., Schenk, P., Schieck, J., Schleper, P., Schmitt, B., Schmitt, S., Schoning, A., Schroder, Matthias, Schultz-Coulon, H.C., Schumacher, M., Schwick, C., Scott, W.G., Shears, T.G., Shen, B.C., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Sherwood, P., Siroli, G.P., Sittler, A., Skillman, A., Skuja, A., Smith, A.M., Snow, G.A., Sobie, R., Soldner-Rembold, S., Springer, Robert Wayne, Sproston, M., Stephens, K., Steuerer, J., Stockhausen, B., Stoll, K., Strom, David M., Szymanski, P., Tafirout, R., Talbot, S.D., Tanaka, S., Taras, P., Tarem, S., Teuscher, R., Thiergen, M., Thomson, M.A., von Torne, E., Towers, S., Trigger, I., Trocsanyi, Z., Tsur, E., Turcot, A.S., Turner-Watson, M.F., Utzat, P., Van Kooten, Rick J., Verzocchi, M., Vikas, P., Vokurka, E.H., Voss, H., Wackerle, F., Wagner, A., Ward, C.P., Ward, D.R., Watkins, P.M., Watson, A.T., Watson, N.K., Wells, P.S., Wermes, N., White, J.S., Wilkens, B., Wilson, G.W., Wilson, J.A., Wolf, G., Wyatt, T.R., Yamashita, S., Yekutieli, G., Zacek, V., Zer-Zion, D.
Publicado: 1997
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:New measurements are presented of the photon structure function F_2^gamma(Q) at four values of Q^2 between 9 and 59 GeV/c^2 based on data collected with the OPAL detector at centre-of-mass energies of 161-172 GeV, with a total integrated luminosity of 18.1 pb^-1. The evolution of F_2^gamma with Q^2 in bins of x is determined in the Q^2 range from 1.86 to 135 GeV/c^2 using data taken at centre-of-mass energies of 91 GeV and 161-172 GeV. F_2^gamma is observed to increase with Q^2 with a slope of 1/alpha_em dF_2^gamma/dln(Q^2) = 0.10 +0.05 -0.03 measured in the range 0.1 < x < 0.6.