
Recent Lead Ion Storage Tests on LEAR

The LEAR machine is foreseen to be used as a lead ion accumulator in the injector chain for the LHC. Therefore, to test the principle of Pb54+ ion accumulation in LEAR, at 4.2 MeV/u, a number of studies and experiments have been made aimed at determining the improvements and modifications necessary...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bosser, Jacques, Broere, J, Carli, Christian, Chanel, M, Hill, C, Ley, R, Lombardi, A M, MacCaferri, R, Maury, S, Möhl, D, Molinari, G, Mulder, H, Tanke, E, Tranquille, G, Vretenar, Maurizio
Publicado: 1997
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