
Measurement of the w boson mass and $w^{+} w^{-}$ production and decay properties in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at s**(1/2) = 172-GeV

This paper describes the measurement of the W boson mass, M_W, and decay width, Gamma_W, from the direct reconstruction of the invariant mass of its decay products in W pair events collected at a mean centre-of-mass energy of sqrt{s} = 172.12 GeV with the OPAL detector at LEP. Measurements of the W...

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Autores principales: Ackerstaff, K., Alexander, G., Allison, John, Altekamp, N., Anderson, K.J., Anderson, S., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Ball, A.H., Barberio, E., Barlow, Roger J., Bartoldus, R., Batley, J.R., Baumann, S., Bechtluft, J., Beeston, C., Behnke, T., Bell, A.N., Bell, Kenneth Watson, Bella, G., Bentvelsen, S., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Biguzzi, A., Bird, S.D., Blobel, V., Bloodworth, I.J., Bloomer, J.E., Bobinski, M., Bock, P., Bonacorsi, D., Boutemeur, M., Bouwens, B.T., Braibant, S., Brigliadori, L., Brown, Robert M., Burckhart, H.J., Burgard, C., Burgin, R., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, David G., Chrisman, D., Clarke, P.E.L., Cohen, I., Conboy, J.E., Cooke, O.C., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallapiccola, C., Dallavalle, G.Marco, Davies, R., De Jong, S., del Pozo, L.A., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M.S., do Couto e Silva, E., Doucet, M., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Eatough, D., Edwards, J.E.G., Estabrooks, P.G., Evans, H.G., Evans, M., Fabbri, F., Fanti, M., Faust, A.A., Fiedler, F., Fierro, M., Fischer, H.M., Fleck, I., Folman, R., Fong, D.G., Foucher, M., Furtjes, A., Futyan, D.I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., Gascon-Shotkin, S.M., Geddes, N.I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Geralis, T., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Giacomelli, R., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gingrich, D.M., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M.J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwe, M., Hajdu, C., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Hargrove, C.K., Hart, P.A., Hartmann, C., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Hawkings, R., Hemingway, R.J., Herndon, M., Herten, G., Heuer, R.D., Hildreth, M.D., Hill, J.C., Hillier, S.J., Hobson, P.R., Homer, R.J., Honma, A.K., Horvath, D., Hossain, K.R., Howard, R., Huntemeyer, P., Hutchcroft, D.E., Igo-Kemenes, P., Imrie, D.C., Ingram, M.R., Ishii, K., Jawahery, A., Jeffreys, P.W., Jeremie, H., Jimack, M., Joly, A., Jones, C.R., Jones, G., Jones, M., Jost, U., Jovanovic, P., Junk, T.R., Karlen, D., Kartvelishvili, V., Kawagoe, K., Kawamoto, T., Kayal, P.I., Keeler, R.K., Kellogg, R.G., Kennedy, B.W., Kirk, J., Klier, A., Kluth, S., Kobayashi, T., Kobel, M., Koetke, D.S., Kokott, T.P., Kolrep, M., Komamiya, S., Kress, T., Krieger, P., von Krogh, J., Kyberd, P., Lafferty, G.D., Lahmann, R., Lai, W.P., Lanske, D., Lauber, J., Lautenschlager, S.R., Layter, J.G., Lazic, D., Lee, A.M., Lefebvre, E., Lellouch, D., Letts, J., Levinson, L., Lloyd, S.L., Loebinger, F.K., Long, G.D., Losty, M.J., Ludwig, J., Macchiolo, A., Macpherson, A., Mannelli, M., Marcellini, S., Markus, C., Martin, A.J., Martin, J.P., Martinez, G., Mashimo, T., Mattig, Peter, McDonald, W.John, McKenna, J., Mckigney, E.A., McMahon, T.J., McPherson, R.A., Meijers, F., Menke, S., Merritt, F.S., Mes, H., Meyer, J., Michelini, A., Mikenberg, G., Miller, D.J., Mincer, A., Mir, R., Mohr, W., Montanari, A., Mori, T., Morii, M., Muller, U., Mihara, S., Nagai, K., Nakamura, I., Neal, H.A., Nellen, B., Nisius, R., O'Neale, S.W., Oakham, F.G., Odorici, F., Ogren, H.O., Oh, A., Oldershaw, N.J., Oreglia, M.J., Orito, S., Palinkas, J., Pasztor, G., Pater, J.R., Patrick, G.N., Patt, J., Pearce, M.J., Perez-Ochoa, R., Petzold, S., Pfeifenschneider, P., Pilcher, J.E., Pinfold, J., Plane, David E., Poffenberger, P., Poli, B., Posthaus, A., Rees, D.L., Rigby, D., Robertson, S., Robins, S.A., Rodning, N., Roney, J.M., Rooke, A., Ros, E., Rossi, A.M., Routenburg, P., Rozen, Y., Runge, K., Runolfsson, O., Ruppel, U., Rust, D.R., Rylko, R., Sachs, K., Saeki, T., Sarkisian, E.K.G., Sbarra, C., Schaile, A.D., Schaile, O., Scharf, F., Scharff-Hansen, P., Schenk, P., Schieck, J., Schleper, P., Schmitt, B., Schmitt, S., Schoning, A., Schroder, Matthias, Schultz-Coulon, H.C., Schumacher, M., Schwick, C., Scott, W.G., Shears, T.G., Shen, B.C., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Sherwood, P., Siroli, G.P., Sittler, A., Skillman, A., Skuja, A., Smith, A.M., Snow, G.A., Sobie, R., Soldner-Rembold, S., Springer, Robert Wayne, Sproston, M., Stephens, K., Steuerer, J., Stockhausen, B., Stoll, K., Strom, David M., Szymanski, P., Tafirout, R., Talbot, S.D., Tanaka, S., Taras, P., Tarem, S., Teuscher, R., Thiergen, M., Thomson, M.A., von Torne, E., Towers, S., Trigger, I., Trocsanyi, Z., Tsur, E., Turcot, A.S., Turner-Watson, M.F., Utzat, P., Van Kooten, Rick J., Verzocchi, M., Vikas, P., Vokurka, E.H., Voss, H., Wackerle, F., Wagner, A., Ward, C.P., Ward, D.R., Watkins, P.M., Watson, A.T., Watson, N.K., Wells, P.S., Wermes, N., White, J.S., Wilkens, B., Wilson, G.W., Wilson, J.A., Wolf, G., Wyatt, T.R., Yamashita, S., Yekutieli, G., Zacek, V., Zer-Zion, D.
Publicado: 1998
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:This paper describes the measurement of the W boson mass, M_W, and decay width, Gamma_W, from the direct reconstruction of the invariant mass of its decay products in W pair events collected at a mean centre-of-mass energy of sqrt{s} = 172.12 GeV with the OPAL detector at LEP. Measurements of the W pair production cross-section, the W decay branching fractions and properties of the W decay final states are also described. A total of 120 candidate W^+W^- events has been selected for an integrated luminosity of 10.36 pb^-1. The W^+W^- production cross-section is measured to be sigma_WW = 12.3 +/- 1.3(stat.) +/- 0.3(syst.) pb, consistent with the Standard Model expectation. The W^+W^- -> qq(bar) l nu and W^+W^- -> qq(bar)qq(bar) final states are used to obtain a direct measurement of Gamma_W = 1.30^{+0.62}_{-0.55}(stat.) +/- 0.18(syst.) GeV. Assuming the Standard Model relation between M_W and Gamma_W, the W boson mass is measured to be M_W = 80.32 +/- 0.30(stat.) +/- 0.09(syst.) GeV. The event properties of the fully-hadronic decays of W^+W^- events are compared to those of the semi-leptonic decays. At the current level of precision there is no evidence for effects of colour reconnection in the observables studied. Combining data recorded by OPAL at sqrt{s} ~ 161-172 GeV, the W boson branching fraction to hadrons is determined to be 69.8^{+3.0}_{-3.2}(stat.) +/- 0.7(syst.)%, consistent with the prediction of the Standard Model. The combined mass measurement from direct reconstruction and from the W^+W^- production cross-sections measured at sqrt{s} ~ 161 and sqrt{s} ~ 172 GeV is M_W = 80.35 +/- 0.24(stat.) +/- 0.07(syst.) GeV.