
First measurement of the rate $K^0_L \to \pi \mu \nu \gamma$

In a preliminary version of the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS, in which an iron- scintillator sandwich calorimeter was used as a photon detector, the ratio of K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu\gamma$ and K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu$ decays was measured. The branching ratio BR(K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu\gamma, \mbox{E}_\gamma^*\g...

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Autores principales: Bender, M, Augustin, I, Holder, M, Schwarze, I, Ziolkowski, M, Fanti, V, Lai, A, Musa, L, Nappi, A, Setzu, M G, Moore, R W, Munday, D J, Parker, M A, Takach, S F, White, T O, Barr, Giles David, Bocquet, G, Bremer, J, Ceccucci, Augusto, Cogan, J, Cundy, Donald C, Doble, Niels T, Fischer, G, Funk, W, Gatignon, L, Gianoli, A, Gonidec, A, Grafström, P, Kubischta, Werner, Marzulli, V M, Kesseler, G, Matheys, J P, Norton, Alan Robert, Palestini, S, Panzer-Steindel, B, Schinzel, D, Taureg, Hans, Velasco, M, Vossnack, O, Kekelidze, V D, Kojevnikov, I, Potrebenikov, Yu K, Tatishvili, G T, Tkachev, A L, Bertolotto, L, Boyle, O, Hay, B, McKay, N E, Oakland, G, Parsons, H, Peach, Kenneth J, Talamonti, C, Walker, A, Dalpiaz, Pietro, Duclos, J, Formica, A, Martini, M, Petrucci, F, Porcu, M, Rossi, F, Savrié, M, Simani, C, Bizzeti, A, Calvetti, M, Lenti, M, Michetti, A, Becker, H G, Beier, T, Blümer, H, Buchholz, P, Coward, D H, Ebersberger, C, Kalter, A, Kleinknecht, K, Koch, U, Köpke, L, Leber, F, Luitz, S, Renk, B, Scheidt, J, Schmidt, J, Schönharting, V, Wilhelm, R, Zeitnitz, O, Chollet, J C, Crépé, S, Fayard, Louis, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Ocariz, J, Unal, G, Anzivino, Giuseppina, Cenci, P, Lubrano, P, Pepé, M, Calafiura, P, Carosi, R, Casali, R, Cerri, C, Costantini, F, Fantechi, R, Giudici, Sergio, Gorini, B, Mannelli, I, Pierazzini, G M, Sozzi, M, Chèze, J B, De Beer, M, Debu, P, Khristov, P Z, Mazzucato, E, Peyaud, B, Schanne, S, Steinkamp, O, Turlay, René, Vallage, B, Arcidiacono, R, Biino, C, Govi, G, Maas, P, Marchetto, F, Menichetti, E, Dibon, Heinz, Jeitler, Manfred, Markytan, Manfred, Mikulec, I, Neuhofer, Günther, Pernicka, Manfred, Taurok, Anton
Publicado: 1997
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:In a preliminary version of the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS, in which an iron- scintillator sandwich calorimeter was used as a photon detector, the ratio of K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu\gamma$ and K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu$ decays was measured. The branching ratio BR(K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu\gamma, \mbox{E}_\gamma^*\ge30~\mbox{MeV}$)/(K$_L \to \pi\mu\nu$) is found to be $(2.08\pm0.17$ $^{+0.16}_{-0.21})\times10^{-3}$, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The result is in agreement with theoretical predictions.