
Experimental Search for Solar Axions

A new technique has been used to search for solar axions using a single crystal germanium detector. It exploits the coherent conversion of axions into photons when their angle of incidence satisfies a Bragg condition with a crystalline plane. The analysis of approximately 1.94 kg.yr of data from the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gattone, A.O., Abriola, D., Avignone, F.T., III, Brodzinski, R.L., Collar, J.I., Creswick, R.J., DiGregorio, D.E., Farach, H.A., Guerard, C.K., Hasenbalg, F., Huck, H., Miley, H.S., Morales, A., Morales, J., Nussinov, S., Ortiz de Solarzano, A., Reeves, J.H., Villar, J.A., Zioutas, K.
Publicado: 1999
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