
Measurement of the cross-section for the process $\gamma^* \gamma^* \to$ hadrons at LEP

Measurements of the two-photon interaction e+e- --> e+e- hadrons at sqrt(s) = 91 GeV and sqrt(s) = 183 GeV are presented. The double-tag events, collected with the L3 detector, correspond to integrated luminosities of 140 pb-1 at 91 GeV and 52 pb-1 at 183 GeV. The cross-section of gamma*gamma* co...

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Wang, X L, Wang, Z M, Weber, A, Weber, M, Wienemann, P, Wilkens, H, Wu, S X, Wynhoff, S, Xia, L, Xu, Z Z, Yang, B Z, Yang, C G, Yang, H J, Yang, M, Ye, J B, Yeh, S C, You, J M, Zalite, A, Zalite, Yu, Zemp, P, Zhang, Z P, Zhu, G Y, Zhu, R Y, Zichichi, Antonino, Ziegler, F, Zilizi, G, Zöller, M
Publicado: 1998
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:Measurements of the two-photon interaction e+e- --> e+e- hadrons at sqrt(s) = 91 GeV and sqrt(s) = 183 GeV are presented. The double-tag events, collected with the L3 detector, correspond to integrated luminosities of 140 pb-1 at 91 GeV and 52 pb-1 at 183 GeV. The cross-section of gamma*gamma* collisions has been measured at <Q^2> = 3.5 GeV^2 and <Q^2> = 14 GeV^2. The data agree well with predictions based on perturbative QCD, while the Quark Parton Model alone is insufficient to describe the data.