
Observation of Microlensing towards the Galactic Spiral Arms: EROS II 2 year survey

We present the analysis of the light curves of 8.5 million stars observed during two seasons by EROS (Experience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres), in the galactic plane away from the bulge. Three stars have been found that exhibit luminosity variations compatible with gravitational microlensing e...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Derue, F, Afonso, C, Alard, C, Albert, J N, Andersen, J, Ansari, R, Aubourg, E, Bareyre, P, Bauer, F, Beaulieu, J P, Bouquet, A, Char, S, Charlot, X, Couchot, F, Coutures, C, Ferlet, R, Glicenstein, J F, Goldman, B, Gould, A, Graff, D S, Gros, M H, Haïssinski, J, Hamilton, J C, Hardin, D P, De Kat, J, Kim, A, Lasserre, T, Lesquoy, E, Loup, C, Magneville, C, Mansoux, B, Marquette, J B, Maurice, E, Milshtein, A I, Moniez, M, Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie, Perdereau, O, Prévôt, L, Regnault, N, Rich, J, Spiro, Michel, Vidal-Madjar, A, Vigroux, L, Zylberajch, S
Publicado: 1999
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