
A measurement of the transverse polarization of $\Lambda$-hyperons produced in inelastic p$N$-reactions at 450 GeV proton energy

A study of the polarization of $\Lambda$-hyperons produced in inelastic p$N$-reactions induced by the 450 GeV proton beam from the CERN SPS has been performed with the NA48 detector. The $\Lambda$-hyperons were detected at a fixed angle of 4.2 mrad in the momentum range from 50 GeV/c to 200 GeV/c. T...

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Autores principales: Fanti, V, Lai, A, Musa, L, Nappi, A, Setzu, M G, Moore, R W, Munday, D J, Parker, M A, Takach, S F, White, T O, Barr, Giles David, Bocquet, G, Bremer, J, Ceccucci, Augusto, Cogan, J, Cundy, Donald C, Doble, Niels T, Fischer, G, Funk, W, Gatignon, L, Gianoli, A, Gonidec, A, Grafström, P, Kubischta, Werner, Marzulli, V M, Kesseler, G, Matheys, J P, Norton, Alan Robert, Palestini, S, Panzer-Steindel, B, Schinzel, D, Taureg, Hans, Velasco, M, Vossnack, O, Wahl, H, Kekelidze, V D, Kozhevnikov, I V, Potrebenikov, Yu K, Khristov, P Z, Tatishvili, G T, Tkachev, A L, Bertolotto, L, Boyle, O, Hay, B, McKay, N E, Oakland, G, Parsons, H, Peach, Kenneth J, Talamonti, C, Walker, A, Dalpiaz, Pietro, Duclos, J, Formica, A, Frabetti, P L, Martini, M, Petrucci, F, Porcu, M, Rossi, F, Savrié, M, Simani, C, Bizzeti, A, Calvetti, M, Lenti, M, Michetti, A, Becker, H G, Beier, T, Blümer, H, Buchholz, P, Coward, D H, Ebersberger, C, Kalter, A, Kleinknecht, K, Koch, U, Köpke, L, Leber, F, Luitz, S, Renk, B, Scheidt, J, Schmidt, J, Schönharting, V, Wilhelm, R, Zeitnitz, O, Chollet, J C, Crépé, S, Fayard, Louis, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Ocariz, J, Unal, G, Anzivino, Giuseppina, Cenci, P, Lubrano, P, Pepé, M, Calafiura, P, Carosi, R, Casali, R, Cerri, C, Costantini, F, Fantechi, R, Giudici, Sergio, Gorini, B, Mannelli, I, Pierazzini, G M, Sozzi, M, Chèze, J B, De Beer, M, Debu, P, Mazzucato, E, Peyaud, B, Schanne, S, Steinkamp, O, Turlay, René, Vallage, B, Augustin, I, Bender, M, Holder, M, Ziolkowski, M, Arcidiacono, R, Biino, C, Govi, G, Maas, P, Marchetto, F, Menichetti, E, Dibon, Heinz, Jeitler, Manfred, Markytan, Manfred, Mikulec, I, Neuhofer, Günther, Pernicka, Manfred, Taurok, Anton
Publicado: 1999
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Sumario:A study of the polarization of $\Lambda$-hyperons produced in inelastic p$N$-reactions induced by the 450 GeV proton beam from the CERN SPS has been performed with the NA48 detector. The $\Lambda$-hyperons were detected at a fixed angle of 4.2 mrad in the momentum range from 50 GeV/c to 200 GeV/c. The polarization changes from $-0.053 \pm 0.034 to -0.298 \pm 0.074$ for a transverse momentum range of the $\Lambda$ between 0.28 GeV/c and 0.86 GeV/c. The $\Lambda$ polarization is consistent with zero. (13 refs).