
t-dependence and production mechanisms of the $\rho$, f and g resonances from $]pi^{-}\pi^{+}$n at 17.2 GeV

The t-dependence of rho , f and g resonance production is compared using data from the CERN-Munich spectrometer. An amplitude analysis is performed, and the significance for various proposed models of the production mechanism discussed. The OPE term becomes increasingly adequate to describe the data...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hyams, Bernard David, Blum, W, Dietl, H, Grayer, G, Jones, C, Lorenz, E, Luetjens, G, Meissburger, J, Männer, W, Ochs, W, Stierlin, U, Weilhammer, Peter
Publicado: 1974
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