
Large scale test of wedge shaped micro strip gas counters

In order to check the system aspects of the forward-backward MSGC tracker designed for the future CMS experiment at LHC, 38 trapezoidal MSGC counters assembled in six multi-substrates detector modules were built and exposed to a muon beam at the CERN SPS. Results on the gain uniformity along the wed...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ackermann, M, Atz, S, Aulchenko, V M, Bachmann, S, Baibusinov, B O, Barthe, S, Beaumont, W, Beckers, T, Beissel, F, Benhammou, Ya, Bergdolt, A M, Bernier, K, Blüm, H P, Bondar, A E, Bouhali, O, Boulogne, I, Bozzo, M, Brom, J M, Camps, C, Chorowicz, V, Coffin, J P, Commichau, V, Contardo, D, Croix, J, De Troy, J G, Drouhin, F, Eberle, H, Flügge, G, Fontaine, J C, Geist, Walter M, Goerlach, U, Gundlfinger, K, Hangarter, K, Haroutunian, R, Helleboid, J M, Henkes, T, Hoffer, M, Hoffmann, C, Huss, D, Ischebeck, R, Jeanneau, F, Juillot, P, Junghans, S, Kapp, M R, Kärcher, K, Knoblauch, D, Kräber, M H, Krauth, M, Kremp, J, Lounis, A, Lübelsmeyer, K, Maazouzi, C, Macke, D, Metri, R, Mirabito, L, Müller, T, Nagaslaev, V, Neuberger, D, Nowak, A, Pallarès, A, Pandoulas, D, Petertill, M, Pooth, O, Racca, C, Ripp, I, Ruoff, E, Sauer, A, Schmitz, P, Schulte, R, Schultz von Dratzig, A, Schunk, J P, Schuster, G, Schwaller, B, Shekhtman, L I, Siedling, R, Sigward, M H, Simonis, H J, Smadja, G, Stefanescu, J, Szczesny, H, Tatarinov, A A, Thümmel, W H, Tissot, S, Titov, V, Todorov, T, Tonutti, M, Udo, Fred, Van der Velde, C, Van Doninck, W K, Van Dyck, C, Vanlaer, P, Van Lancker, L, Verdini, P G, Weseler, S, Wittmer, B, Wortmann, R, Zghiche, A, Zhukov, V
Publicado: 1999
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