
R & D for the CMS silicon tracker

The CMS silicon tracker, consisting of about 70 m/sup 2/ of silicon microstrip devices, has to be operated for at least 10 years in a harsh radiation environment. The main implications of this environment on the detector design are summarized and an overview of the expected performance is given. (2...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Feld, L, Albergo, S, Angarano, M M, Azzi, P, Babucci, E, Bacchetta, N, Bader, A J, Bagliesi, G, Barr, A J, Bartalini, P, Basti, A, Biggeri, U, Bilei, G M, Bisello, D, Boemi, D, Bosi, F, Borrello, L, Bozzi, C, Braibant, S, Breuker, Horst, Bruzzi, Mara, Candelori, A, Caner, A, Castaldi, R, Castro, A, Catacchini, E, Checcucci, B, Ciampolini, P, Civinini, C, Creanza, D, D'Alessandro, R, Da Rold, M, Demaria, N, De Palma, M, Dell'Orso, R, Della Marina, R, Dutta, S, Eklund, C, Peisert, Anna, Fiore, L, Focardi, E, French, M, Freudenreich, Klaus, Fürtjes, A, Giassi, A, Giraldo, A, Glessing, W D, Gu, W H, Hall, G, Hammarström, R, Hebbeker, T, Honkanen, J A, Hrubec, Josef, Huhtinen, M, Kaminski, A, Karimäki, V, Kellogg, R G, König, S J, Krammer, Manfred, Lariccia, P, Lenzi, M, Loreti, M, Lübelsmeyer, K, Lustermann, W, Mättig, P, Maggi, G, Mannelli, M, Mantovani, G C, Marchioro, A, Mariotti, C, Martignon, G, McEvoy, B, Meschini, M, Messineo, A, My, S, Paccagnella, A, Palla, Fabrizio, Pandoulas, D, Parrini, G, Passeri, D, Pieri, M, Piperov, S, Potenza, R, Raffaelli, F, Raso, G, Raymond, M, Schmitt, B, Selvaggi, G, Servoli, L, Sguazzoni, G, Siedling, R, Silvestris, L, Skog, K, Starodumov, Andrei, Stavitski, I, Stefanini, G, Tempesta, P, Tonelli, G, Tricomi, A, Tuuva, T, Vannini, C, Verdini, P G, Viertel, Gert M, Xie, Z, Wang, Y, Watts, S, Wittmer, B
Publicado: 1999
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