
Measurement of the $e^{+}e^{-} \to Z\gamma\gamma$ Cross Section and Determination of Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings at LEP

A first measurement of the cross section of the process$\rm e^+e^-\rightarrow Z\gamma\gamma$ is reported using a total integrated luminosity of 231\,pb$^{-1}$collected with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energiesof 182.7\,GeV and 188.7\,GeV. By selectinghadronic events with two isolated photonsth...

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Autores principales: Acciarri, M., Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M.G., Ambrosi, G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, Valery P., Angelescu, T., Anselmo, F., Arefev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Bagnaia, P., Baksay, L., Balandras, A., Ball, R.C., Banerjee, S., Banerjee, Sw., Barczyk, A., Barillere, R., Barone, L., Bartalini, P., Basile, M., Battiston, R., Bay, A., Becattini, F., Becker, U., Behner, F., Bellucci, L., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Bertucci, B., Betev, B.L., Bhattacharya, S., Biasini, M., Biglietti, M., Biland, A., Blaising, J.J., Blyth, S.C., Bobbink, G.J., Bohm, A., Boldizsar, L., Borgia, B., Bourilkov, D., Bourquin, M., Braccini, S., Branson, J.G., Brigljevic, V., Brochu, F., Buffini, A., Buijs, A., Burger, J.D., Burger, W.J., Button, A., Cai, X.D., Campanelli, Mario, Capell, M., Cara Romeo, G., Carlino, G., Cartacci, A.M., Casaus, J., Castellini, G., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, N., Cecchi, C., Cerrada, M., Cesaroni, F., Chamizo, M., Chang, Y.H., Chaturvedi, U.K., Chemarin, M., Chen, A., Chen, G., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.F., Chen, H.S., Chiefari, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Civinini, C., Clare, I., Clare, R., Coignet, G., Colijn, A.P., Colino, N., Costantini, S., Cotorobai, F., Cozzoni, B., de la Cruz, B., Csilling, A., Cucciarelli, S., Dai, T.S., van Dalen, J.A., D'Alessandro, R., de Asmundis, R., Deglon, P., Degre, A., Deiters, K., della Volpe, D., Denes, P., DeNotaristefani, F., De Salvo, A., Diemoz, M., van Dierendonck, D., Di Lodovico, F., Dionisi, C., Dittmar, M., Dominguez, A., Doria, A., Dova, M.T., Duchesneau, D., Dufournaud, D., Duinker, P., Duran, I., El Mamouni, H., Engler, A., Eppling, F.J., Erne, F.C., Extermann, P., Fabre, M., Faccini, R., Falagan, M.A., Falciano, S., Favara, A., Fay, J., Fedin, O., Felcini, M., Ferguson, T., Ferroni, F., Fesefeldt, H., Fiandrini, E., Field, J.H., Filthaut, F., Fisher, P.H., Fisk, I., Forconi, G., Fredj, L., Freudenreich, K., Furetta, C., Galaktionov, Iouri, Ganguli, S.N., Garcia-Abia, Pablo, Gataullin, M., Gau, S.S., Gentile, S., Gheordanescu, N., Giagu, S., Gong, Z.F., Grenier, Gerald Jean, Grimm, O., Gruenewald, M.W., Guida, M., van Gulik, R., Gupta, V.K., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L.J., Haas, D., Hasan, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hebbeker, T., Herve, Alain, Hidas, P., Hirschfelder, J., Hofer, H., Holzner, G., Hoorani, H., Hou, S.R., Iashvili, I., Jin, B.N., Jones, Lawrence W., de Jong, P., Josa-Mutuberria, I., Khan, R.A., Kaur, M., Kienzle-Focacci, M.N., Kim, D., Kim, D.H., Kim, J.K., Kim, S.C., Kirkby, Jasper, Kiss, D., Kittel, W., Klimentov, A., Konig, A.C., Kopp, A., Koutsenko, V., Kraber, M., Kraemer, R.W., Krenz, W., Kruger, A., Kunin, A., Ladron de Guevara, P., Laktineh, I., Landi, G., Lassila-Perini, K., Lebeau, M., Lebedev, A., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Le Coultre, P., Lee, H.J., Le Goff, J.M., Leiste, R., Leonardi, Emanuele, Levtchenko, P., Li, C., Likhoded, S., Lin, C.H., Lin, W.T., Linde, F.L., Lista, L., 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Publicado: 2000
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:A first measurement of the cross section of the process$\rm e^+e^-\rightarrow Z\gamma\gamma$ is reported using a total integrated luminosity of 231\,pb$^{-1}$collected with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energiesof 182.7\,GeV and 188.7\,GeV. By selectinghadronic events with two isolated photonsthe $\rm e^+e^-\rightarrow Z\gamma\gamma$cross section is measured to be$ 0.49^{+0.20}_{-0.17}\pm0.04\,{\mathrm{pb}}$ at 182.7\,GeV and $0.47 \pm 0.10\pm0.04\,{\mathrm{pb}}$ at 188.7\,GeV. Themeasurements are consistent with Standard Model expectations.Limits on Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings $a_0/\Lambda^2$ and $a_c/\Lambda^2$ of-0.009\, GeV$^{-2}$ $ < a_0/\Lambda^2 < $ 0.008\,GeV$^{-2}$ and-0.007\,GeV$^{-2}$ $ < a_c/\Lambda^2 < $ 0.013\,GeV$^{-2}$ are derived at95\(onfidence level.